Azure / azure-saas

The Azure SaaS Development Kit (ASDK) provides a reference architecture, deployable reference implementation and tools to help developers, startups, ISVs and Enterprises deliver their applications as a SaaS service. A platform for platform creators.
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Azure Devops #234

Open stupiduglyfool opened 1 year ago

stupiduglyfool commented 1 year ago

I would like to deploy, but have the devops side in azuredevops rather than github. Can some documentation be added for this?

1iveowl commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this suggestion for extending the documention. There’re no plans for adding this at the moment, however feel free to make a contribtution if you’d like to create it.

stupiduglyfool commented 1 year ago

Sure, I am taking notes of my experiences so I could do that.

I am making some changes to the deployment script, at the moment it is tryring to setup github CI.. my initial plan is just a skip flag to avoid this with a skip flag, possibly then I will extend it with the equivalent azure devops pipeline.