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armresourcegraph: Inconsistent casing causes resources not to be found from graph API #23446

Open TBeijen opened 2 months ago

TBeijen commented 2 months ago

Inconsistent casing, combined with ids being case-sensitive, causes resources not to be found from graph API.

Note: This seems to originate from the graph api itself, since shows the same results.

I have a list of resource ids that originate from armauthorization.RoleAssignmentsClient, which I take from the responses Properties.Scope. I then use armresourcegraph to load the various types of resources to obtain tags.

This works in most cases, however, not for redis. The casing of the ID returned by armauthorization differs from what is expected by the graph API.

# ID as returned by armauthorization SDK.
# Does not return result in graph
Resources | where id == '/subscriptions/<my-sub>/resourceGroups/<my-rg>/providers/Microsoft.Cache/redis/<my-redis>' | project id, name, type, resourceGroup, tags

# Fixing casing to the exact type returned when fetching from cli (az resource show --ids "<the-id>")
* Note: redis -> Redis
Resources | where id == '/subscriptions/<my-sub>/resourceGroups/<my-rg>/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/<my-redis>' | project id, name, type, resourceGroup, tags

I run use these queries via:

// *armresourcegraph.Client
ResourceGraphClient.Resources(context.Background(), armresourcegraph.QueryRequest{
            Query: to.Ptr(q),
        }, nil)

Some inconsistencies can be observed throughout the Azure landscape that make the graph API hard to navigate.

I can imagine strict casing is important for all naming entered by users (rg names, resource names, tags, etc.). However the type attribute has a limited and well-defined set of values. Not checking for exact casing would make the armresources SDK and the graph API a lot easier to navigate.

To illustrate, I now have this code fragment to work around this issue:

fixedResourceID := strings.Replace(resourceID, "Microsoft.Cache/redis", "Microsoft.Cache/Redis", -1)
lirenhe commented 1 month ago

@tadelesh, could you provide some suggestion on this issue? thanks

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @chiragg4u.

tadelesh commented 1 month ago

@chiragg4u is it by design that resource type is case sensitive? @JeffreyRichter could you also help to take a look? is their any standard for azure resource id/resource type of the casing?

JeffreyRichter commented 1 month ago

According to the industry standard RFC for URLs (, URLs are supposed to be case-sensitive except for the scheme and host name).

Azure services should honor this, but (unfortunately) some do not, and this causes these kinds of problems. And because some engineers are not aware of the RFC, they think URLs are case-insensitive and so one engineer might return "redis" while another engineer writes code requiring "Redis".

So, case-sensitive comparisons are the correct thing. The team needs to agree on "redis" vs "Redis" and then stick to it consistently. This may require code changes. As a "quick-fix", a service could treat "redis" and "Redis" as the same (and maybe "REDIS" too) but this can lead to more problems in the future.