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[Identity] App Service Managed Identity is not working in Identity version `1.8.1` #34255

Open vhvb1989 opened 1 year ago

vhvb1989 commented 1 year ago

When using identity version: 1.8.1, my application running on App-services can't use the DefaultAzureCredential to authenticate with Manage Identity.


023-03-29T19:08:56.024453161Z   Suppressed: EnvironmentCredential authentication unavailable. Environment variables are not fully configured.To mitigate this issue, please refer to the troubleshooting guidelines here at
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024460961Z Managed Identity authentication is not available.
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024464861Z SharedTokenCacheCredential authentication unavailable. No accounts were found in the cache.
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024484361Z IntelliJ Authentication not available. Please log in with Azure Tools for IntelliJ plugin in the IDE.
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024487961Z AzureCliCredential authentication unavailable. Azure CLI not installed.To mitigate this issue, please refer to the troubleshooting guidelines here at
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024508261Z Unable to execute PowerShell. Please make sure that it is installed in your systemTo mitigate this issue, please refer to the troubleshooting guidelines here at
2023-03-29T19:08:56.024511961Z      ... 80 common frames omitted

Note the: Managed Identity authentication is not available.

Switching back to version 1.8.0 (and below): fixes the issue and the app works as expected.

My app is using Java-spring auto-config to pull secrets from key vault as application settings with:

# Import KeyVault secrets as properties[0].enabled=true[0].endpoint=${AZURE_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT}


<project xmlns=""
  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
  <description>Simple Todo application</description>
    <!-- By default, set to write which formats the code.
        This sample does not include format check failures on CI.
        To see how to enable this, visit

    <!--SpringDoc dependencies -->
    <!-- Bean Validation API support -->
    <!-- Azure dependencies -->
      <!-- Profile for generating API from OpenAPI spec. -->

Source code:

g2vinay commented 1 year ago

We are working to resolve this issue and will have a fix for it in next week's Identity release

drewpayment commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?

mitchross commented 1 year ago

Having issues with this also!

vhvb1989 commented 1 year ago

@drewpayment @mitchross , have you tried identity version 1.8.2. I was just released (4/10). It should include the fix for managed identity.

@g2vinay I would like to keep this open until this patch goes to version 1.9.0 as that's the one azd is waiting for :)

mitchross commented 1 year ago

@drewpayment @mitchross , have you tried identity version 1.8.2. I was just released (4/10). It should include the fix for managed identity.

@g2vinay I would like to keep this open until this patch goes to version 1.9.0 as that's the one azd is waiting for :)

1.8.2 works. I would strongly suggest unpublishing 1.8.1. This caused over a week of headaches for me.

g2vinay commented 1 year ago

The issue is resolved in v.1.8.2 of azure-identity..

mitchross commented 1 year ago

The BOM still references 1.8.1. Please get a ticket over to the team to update BOM also.


makokui commented 1 year ago

This issue still seems to be open, when will the BOM update?

johnathanlaw commented 1 year ago

Latest BOM has the 1.8.2 version 😄 -

jklaus commented 10 months ago

@g2vinay I am running version 1.10.0 of Azure.Identity in a .Net 6 API and I am seeing what seems to be the exact same behavior.

f6re97v commented 10 months ago

I am also using 1.10 . connecting via yml configuration, works for service principle but at get following error$authenticateWithManagedIdentityConfidentialClient$21( Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/logs Caused by: Managed Identity authentication is not available.

  enabled: true
      endpoint: ""
        tenant-id: xxxxx
        managed-identity-enabled: true
        client-id: xxxxx
pm-nuance commented 8 months ago

Is there any update for including the fix in 1.10 version???

infobrixGit commented 1 month ago

I am using spring-cloud-azure-dependencies 5.12.0 pom import

build error

Caused by: Managed Identity authentication is not available. at$authenticateWithManagedIdentityConfidentialClient$25( at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.lambda$onErrorMap$28(

Is this a known problem ?

tec01 commented 1 day ago

The same it's happening to me with azure-identity version: 1.12.0. Environment variables are defined (MSI_ENDPOINT, MSI_SECRET, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID). The troubleshooting curl command present here returns 'Couldn't connect to server'. However, running a curl targeting the one from localhost curl -v -i "%MSI_ENDPOINT%?resource=" -H "X-IDENTITY-HEADER: %IDENTITY_HEADER%" does return a token. One of the things I did not try is to regenerate the 'system assigned identity', but this could be risky as it could break other things.