Azure / azure-sdk-for-java

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Azure Json / Azure Xml - Stream style migration (management libraries) #40619

Open alzimmermsft opened 1 week ago

alzimmermsft commented 1 week ago

Guide on how to migrate:

Excluded libraries

Excluded Track 1 using Jackson: - [ ] azure-batch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-autosuggest - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-computervision - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-contentmoderator - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-customimagesearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-customsearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-customvision-prediction - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-customvision-training - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-entitysearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-faceapi - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-imagesearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-luis-authoring - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-luis-runtime - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-newssearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-qnamaker - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-spellcheck - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-textanalytics - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-videosearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-visualsearch - [ ] azure-cognitiveservices-websearch - [ ] azure-eventgrid - [ ] azure-keyvault - [ ] azure-keyvault-cryptography - [ ] azure-keyvault-webkey - [ ] azure-loganalytics - [ ] azure-media - [ ] azure-storage-blob Exluded Track 2 using Jackson: - [ ] azure-cosmos - [ ] azure-cosmos-encryption - [ ] azure-cosmos-kafka-connection - [ ] azure-cosmos-spark_3-1_2-12 - [ ] azure-cosmos-spark_3-2_2-12 - [ ] azure-cosmos-spark_3-3_2-12 - [ ] azure-cosmos-spark_3-4_2-12 - [ ] azure-cosmos-spark_3-5_2-12 - [ ] azure-cosmos-test - [ ] azure-storage-blob - [ ] azure-storage-blob-batch - [ ] azure-storage-blob-changefeed - [ ] azure-storage-blob-cryptography - [ ] azure-storage-blob-nio - [ ] azure-storage-common - [ ] azure-storage-internal-avro Excluded Data plane: - [ ] azure-ai-anomalydector - [ ] azure-ai-formrecognizer (just a few manual code references to Jackson Databind) - [ ] azure-ai-personalizer - [ ] azure-ai-textanalytics (stream-style serialization enabled, generated classes using Jackson still [maybe handwritten but header lies]) - [ ] azure-ai-translationtext - [ ] azure-ai-vision-face - [ ] azure-ai-vision-imageanalysis - [ ] azure-analytics-defender-easm - [ ] azure-analytics-purview-datamap - [ ] azure-analytics-sunapse-accesscontrol - [ ] azure-analytics-synapse-managedprivateendpoints - [ ] azure-analytics-synapse-monitoring - [ ] azure-analytics-synapse-spark - [ ] azure-communication-callautomation - [ ] azure-communication-callingserver - [ ] azure-communication-chat - [ ] azure-communication-common - [ ] azure-communication-email - [ ] azure-communication-identity - [ ] azure-communication-messages - [ ] azure-communication-phonenumbers - [ ] azure-communication-rooms - [ ] azure-communication-sms - [ ] azure-compute-batch - [ ] azure-data-schemaregistry-apacheavro (only has a dependency and module-opens) - [ ] azure-data-schemaregistry-jsonschema (only has a module-opens) - [ ] azure-developer-devcenter - [ ] azure-developer-loadtesting - [ ] azure-digitaltwins-core - [ ] azure-health-insights-cancerprofiling - [ ] azure-health-insights-clinicalmatching - [ ] azure-health-insights-radiologyinsights - [ ] azure-identity - [ ] azure-iot-modelsrepository - [ ] azure-maps-elevation - [ ] azure-maps-geolocation - [ ] azure-maps-render - [ ] azure-maps-route - [ ] azure-maps-search - [ ] azure-maps-timezone - [ ] azure-maps-traffic - [ ] azure-maps-weather - [ ] azure-media-videoanalyzer-edge - [ ] azure-messaging-eventgrid (migrated but a few classes still use Jackson annotations) - [ ] azure-messaging-webpubsub - [ ] azure-messaging-webpubsub-client - [ ] azure-mixedreality-authentication - [ ] azure-mixedreality-remoterendering - [ ] azure-monitor-ingestion (test opens to Jackson) - [ ] azure-monitor-opentelemetry-exporter - [ ] azure-quantum-jobs - [ ] azure-sdk-build-tool - [ ] azure-security-keyvault-jca Excluded Spring: - [ ] azure-spring-data-cosmos - [ ] spring-cloud-azure - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-appconfiguration-config - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-appconfiguration-config-web - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-autoconfigure - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-feature-management - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-eventhubs - [ ] spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-servicebus - [ ] spring-messaging-azure - [ ] spring-messaging-azure-eventhubs - [ ] spring-messaging-azure-servicebus - [ ] spring-messaging-azure-storage-queue

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your feedback. Tagging and routing to the team member best able to assist.