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[BUG] When trying to connect to eventhub using connection string, the EventProcessorClient fails for Emulator #40938

Open gayanper opened 2 days ago

gayanper commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug When trying to connect to Eventhub Emulator using connection string

It fails to make the connection since the EventProcessorClient tries to connect to secured AMQP port instead of the non secure one. The reason for this the connection string is not copied at the location

EventHubClientBuilder source)

Exception or Stack Trace

2024-06-30T12:25:16.826+02:00  INFO 78341 --- [eventhub-demo] [ctor-executor-1] c.a.c.a.i.handler.ConnectionHandler      : {"az.sdk.message":"onConnectionBound","connectionId":"MF_ed25eb_1719743116547","hostName":"","peerDetails":""}

To Reproduce Use the steps to spin up a Emulator instance with instructions at

Using the following code snippet to make a connection to the eventhub.

Code Snippet

        BlobContainerAsyncClient client = new BlobContainerClientBuilder().connectionString(

        var eventProcessorClient =  new EventProcessorClientBuilder().connectionString("Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=SAS_KEY_VALUE;UseDevelopmentEmulator=true;", hubName).checkpointStore(
                new BlobCheckpointStore(client)).processEvent(event -> System.out.println(event)).processError(
                        error -> System.out.println(error)).consumerGroup("cg1").buildEventProcessorClient();


Expected behavior When the connection string is given, use the connection string information to initialize the connection options in the copy of the EventHubClientBuilder.

Setup (please complete the following information):

Information Checklist Kindly make sure that you have added all the following information above and checkoff the required fields otherwise we will treat the issuer as an incomplete report