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[question] How to get instance size from service management #837

Closed phansys closed 8 years ago

phansys commented 8 years ago

Given the following example, the instance sizes are always returning null:

/* @var $hostedService \WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\HostedService */
foreach ($hostedService->getDeployments() as $deployment) {
    foreach ($deployment->getRoleInstanceList() as $roleInstance) {
        var_dump($roleInstance->getInstanceSize()); // NULL

How can I get the instance sizes from service management? I need at least memoryInMB and numberOfCores properties. Thank you in advance.

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

I ran a simple test and getInstanceSize() returned a string "Small" which is the same as the value on the Azure Portal. See the following, image

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

In this case, "Small" is 1792 MB. See the configuration in Visual Studio where I created this WebRole, image

phansys commented 8 years ago

@yaqiyang, by instance, I can see "Basic A0 (0.25 Cores, 0.75 GB memory)" as size at Azure Portal; but the SDK is returning null for that value as I mentioned before. Can you please check this situation directly with the SDK and the snippet I've provided? Moreover, I need to access memoryInMB and numberOfCores properties. Could you please tell me how to access these values with the current SDK implementation?


yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

Did more tests. It seems $hostedService->getDeployments() does not return anything. You have to use the following code to get a valid reference to deployment

        $options = new GetDeploymentOptions();
        $result = $this->restProxy->getDeployment($name, $options);
        $deployment = $result->getDeployment();
yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

Plus, I don't see any way to get the number of cores and VM size in MB. The VM size is probably defined in some templates. You have to map the enum (such as Small) to the corresponding true size (# core, MB) in the deployment templates.

phansys commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @yaqiyang. I've talked with the person who is working directly with this feature at my team and he told me that the check you proposed was already done with the same result. He has some suspicions about the issue, so I'll ask him to contact you tomorrow.

Thank you again.

/cc @ppicatto

ppicatto commented 8 years ago

Hi @yaqiyang as @phansys says i think that the problem is in the SDK because I have dumped $parsed parameter from Role::create($parsed) and it gives me "RoleSize" => "Basic_A0" and i have seen that Role.php have only 2 methods getRoleName and getOsVersion but I have seen a method RoleInstance::getInstanceSize() that I believe should have the value returned in RoleSize. I do not know if i should get instance size from RoleInstance or there is another class that actually returns it.

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

Can you give me exact steps to re-create this role? I cannot reproduce the problem with the WebRole I created. The $parsed parameter in Role::create() has the following value in my example

array(2) { ["RoleName"]=> string(8) "WebRole1" ["OsVersion"]=> string(26) "WA-GUEST-OS-4.31_201604-01" }

ppicatto commented 8 years ago

There were some classes that we had overwritten in our code, so i decided to try to get the data directly from SDK but i get a null value in the following var_dump:

$serviceManagementService = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createServiceManagementService(
    sprintf('SubscriptionID=%s;CertificatePath=%s', $subscriptionId, $certificate)
$listHostedServices = $serviceManagementService->listHostedServices();
$hostedServicePropertiesOptions = new GetHostedServicePropertiesOptions();
foreach ($listHostedServices as $listHostedService) {
    $hostedServiceProperties = $serviceManagementService->getHostedServiceProperties(
    if ($hostedService = $hostedServiceProperties->getHostedService()) {
        var_dump($hostedService->getDeployments()); //NULL
yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

If I replace your code $lhs = $sb->listHostedServices(); with $lhs = $sb->listHostedServices()->getHostedServices(); It does work for me. I can get a valid list of deployments back with valid role instances and sizes. Can you try that?

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

Can you send me the deployment package and its config file for this service (.cspkg and .cscfg files for example)? I think the problem may be specific to the type of service/package you are trying to deploy.

ppicatto commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay in the answer @yaqiyang. I have tested with $serviceManagementService->listHostedServices()->getHostedServices(); and it doesn't work for me either. I do not have any files with extension .cspkg and .cscfg.

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

if you dump $hostedServiceProperties, do you get any valid properties there? All deployment data should be there

ppicatto commented 8 years ago

when I dump $hostedServiceProperties it returns:

object(WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\GetHostedServicePropertiesResult)#163 (1) {
  object(WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\HostedService)#156 (8) {
    array(0) {
    string(111) "{subscriptionId}/services/hostedservices/{cloudname}"
    string(14) "{cloudname}"
    string(20) "bnViaXR5LWh5cGVyLXY="
    string(10) "Central US"
yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

Here is the dump of the same variable for me. Your code did not return any deployment back. Do you have any Web roles or worker roles deployed? Another way to try is to use the following code to get the deployment,

        $options = new GetDeploymentOptions();
        $result = $this->restProxy->getDeployment($serviceName, $options);
        $deployment = $result->getDeployment();


object(WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\GetHostedServicePropertiesResult)#46 (1) {
  object(WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\HostedService)#40 (8) {
    array(1) {

      object(WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models\Deployment)#44 (15) {
        string(32) "af0cb7ed22f746c18810c7628684fadb"
        string(10) "Production"
        string(32) "ffea210869c64036b133de6af70334bc"
        string(7) "Running"
        string(12) "eWF5YXRlc3Qx"
ppicatto commented 8 years ago

I have tested what you requested and it throws the following exception:

[error] 21346#0: *49 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'WindowsAzure\Common\ServiceException' with message 'Fail:
Code: 404
Value: Not Found
details (if any): <Error xmlns="" xmlns:i=""><Code>ResourceNotFound</Code><Message>No deployments were found.</Message></Error>.' in /home/ppicatto/Projects/azure-test/WindowsAzure/Common/Internal/Http/HttpClient.php:384
ppicatto commented 8 years ago

I have seen that the exception was because the instance was stopped i'll do more tests and talk you again.

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

just make sure the correct service name and deployment name


ppicatto commented 8 years ago

Well i have done some testings and the problem with $roleInstance->getInstanceSize() was that the instance was stopped before testing. Now i need to get the memory and cores using the name for example "BASIC_A0" i do not find a way to get this data from the SDK.

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

I don't think that is possible. Maybe you can define a mapping or find a defined mapping somewhere.

phansys commented 8 years ago

Thank you @yaqiyang. I think the only solution then will be to call another API endpoint in order to make a mapping between "size ID" and RAM / Cores. That endpoint is documented at List all available virtual machine sizes in a region. Do you know if this SDK has any method to consume that information?

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

I don't think we have that.

phansys commented 8 years ago

What are your concerns about this? Do you think it must be addressed by the SDK as a new feature? Or is it out if the scope and should be omitted?

yaqiyang commented 8 years ago

I don't think we will add this functionality until we work on the new resource management SDK. The service management SDK does not have any VM management APIs implemented as far as I know.

phansys commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much @yaqiyang. Regards.