Azure / azure-sdk-for-php

Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP
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protocol https in service Bus Queue makes service too slow #995

Open Lotykun opened 5 years ago

Lotykun commented 5 years ago

Hi experts. I have recently download and installed the most updated version of the azure-sdk. (0.5.7), in order to connect with the Service Bus Queue System.

I have created one namespace and one queue from the azure portal and give me one connection string with the format.. Endpoint=sb://{endpoint}/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey={accesskey}

According to the instructions showed in this repository, I must to replace the sb protocol for https protocol in the connection string. Doing that everything is working. But comparing with the Queue Storage system, is very slow!!! 10 msg in service Bus takes me 2 minutes to collect, in Queue Storage is inmediately.

I think that this sdk forces to use https and that is the problem. We cannot use sb protocol or amqp protocol, which is the main feature of service bus.

I would like to know if there is something I can change in order to use one of those protocols, or if there is another explanation (configuration) which increase the speed in collecting messages from the Queue


kkuuko commented 3 years ago

I’m facing the same problem. @Lotykun did you find a way to do it?

Lotykun commented 3 years ago

Yes using AWS Simple Queue SErvice.. jejeje