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The meeting scheduler should include the GitHub id of the meeting requester in the GitHub issue #5185

Open mikekistler opened 1 year ago

mikekistler commented 1 year ago

When the meeting scheduler creates an issue for a REST API review, it includes the name of the person requesting the review, e.g.:

Review Created By: Nicolas Rafalowski

But if I want to tag this person in the issue, e.g. to ask them to link a PR to the issue, I need to find their GitHub id. Rather than looking this up manually, it would be nice if the meeting scheduler could do that lookup and just include it in the initial issue description:

Review Created By: Nicolas Rafalowski @nrafalowski
ladonnaq commented 1 year ago

Remind the stakeholders that any updates not made via the Scheduling tool will not be in sync with the central datas ource for the Release Plan. For example, if someone updates the GitHub with links to the APIView vs adding the APIView links to the scheduled meeting, then the release plan will not know about it. But if the updates are made to the meeting invite using the scheduling tool then the GitHub issue will be updated and the data source for the Release Plan will be updated.

maririos commented 7 months ago

This came up again in the Stewardship board where they decided to do offline reviews of the PRs, therefore they cancelled the meetings. The reason was posted in the issue but because the user's GH handled is not connected to the GH issue they were not notified and this created confusion. Bumping the priority