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Create a release plan - Info Meeting Pre-requisite not met but no link to scheduling app (Committed for dilithium-1H) #7237

Open ladonnaq opened 8 months ago

ladonnaq commented 8 months ago

During the create a release plan flow, the logic is checking to ensure that teams who are creating their first release plans have completed Information Meeting. This is because we have made many changes this year and we want to ensure teams understand and are creating release plans for any new SDK versions, not just for products in scope for APEX.

It is not easy to figure out how I schedule the Information Meeting from the screen below. We had service partners finding us on teams or sending emails because they see the message but don't know how to schedule the meeting. We have several ways in the app to access the scheduling app but it is not obvious from this screen where to go.

Suggestion: Can we add a link or something that directs teams to location in the app to invoke the scheduling app or a link in the message?

Create a release plan - blocked because Information Meeting needs to scheduled and completed.


Locations in the Release Planner where teams can access the scheduling app.

  1. Services teams can access the scheduling app via the show more on the dashboard.

  2. Service teams can access the scheduling app from the release plan summary. This would only be an option if they had already created a release plan.


    ws tab in the

maririos commented 8 months ago

Suggestion: Can we add a link or something that directs teams to location in the app to invoke the scheduling app or a link in the message?

@ladonnaq We talked about this over email and there was inclination on making it a step instead of adding a link to the wizard.

In order to achieve this we need:

ladonnaq commented 5 months ago

Suggestion: Can we add a link or something that directs teams to location in the app to invoke the scheduling app or a link in the message?

@ladonnaq We talked about this over email and there was inclination on making it a step instead of adding a link to the wizard. #7144

In order to achieve this we need:

  • Decision on which approach to take
  • If new step is selected, then specific requirements on where the step should be allocated in both Onboarding and Create a Release Plan.

@maririos I will target Feb 2024 for completing requirements and working with @JonathanCrd on the changes to the UI to support.

ladonnaq commented 5 months ago

@maririos Related this to I am targeting Feb 2024 for working on the requirements and UI updates. I will work with @JonathanCrd.

maririos commented 5 months ago

@ladonnaq do we still need this after your requirement in ?

ladonnaq commented 2 months ago

@maririos - I am going to keep this in backlog but I don't think it is critical to resolve right now.