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[Release Planner] Add step for validating CODEOWNERS #7351

Open ronniegeraghty opened 7 months ago

ronniegeraghty commented 7 months ago

We should add a step in the Generate SDKs step of the release planner to have teams validate the CODEOWNERS for their service in each language repo.

Steps for how service partner can do this are located here in the "Getting mentioned on issues" section:

Near-term (June 2024) Reference the steps to validate and update CODEOWNERS earlier in the UI and Engineering Hub workflow for each release.

### Managed Process (June 2024) Reference the steps to validate and update CODEOWNERS earlier in the Release Planner UI and Engineering Hub docs workflow
- [x] Update Engineering Hub Docs to indicate that current process described in the "Support SDK" section is to update the CODEOWNERS files for the SDKs.
- [x] Create an aka link to use on the docs page.
- [ ] Update Engineering Hub Docs to include a step to validate and update API Spec CODEOWNERS in "Design API" section.  We do not have a section that describes the overall API review process which takes place in GitHub but I believe that updating the CODEOWNERS file should be requirement during the API Review.  Ronnie is going to create new CODEOWNERS section in Engineering Hub and rewrite so that that guidance aligns to current CODEOWNERS docs in GitHub.  (Ronnie leading).
- [ ] Update API Readiness milestone to include task to update CODEOWNERS for API Spec.
- [x] Update data plane SDK Release milestones to include task to update CODEOWNERS for each SDK language planned for release.
- [ ] Update management plane SDK Release milestones to include task to update CODEOWNERS for each SDK language planned for release.
### Optimized Process Requirements (July 2024) Present user with list of current CODEOWNERS for API Spec and each language they plan to release a new SDK version.  Allow user to update the contacts.  Release Planner App automatically updates the CODEOWNER files. 
- [ ] Identify requirements to streamline and automate updates to CODEOWNER files for each release plan.  
### Optimized Process Implementation (July/Aug 2024) Implement requirements defined in July 2024. 
- [ ] Streamline and automate updates to the CODEOWNER files for each release plan.  
maririos commented 5 months ago

Copy from issue #7302:

  • The request is to tell people "hey there is this file, make sure someone from your team is added." Is this accurate? do you have a specific message I should use?

Yes. In my ideal scenario we some how check to make sure their service has a valid CODEOWNER listed for each language. Not sure how that type of check would be performed from the release planner. Here's a sample message you could use: `To make sure issues and pull request for your libraries are properly routed to your team, add/revalidate code owners for your libraries in each of our language repos. Instructions on this process are located here in the "Getting mentioned on issues" section.

  • Could you remind me here where do we want this to show? is it when they are generating the SDKs? or after they release?

This needs to be before the release and ideally before they open their first PR. Or the changes to CODEOWNERS is in their first PR. I believe this is as they begin generating libraries.

  • This is per language, right?

Yup. They need to do this in each language repo.

  • I am going to link to the document you shared. Anything specific you would like me to add?

Only maybe that the instructions for this task are specifically in the "Getting mentioned on issues" section.

maririos commented 2 weeks ago

@ladonnaq : I only did the changes in the data plane SDK app because for the API readiness and management plane sdk we need to think more about where should the instructions go:


and the link is pointing to

maririos commented 2 weeks ago
