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Client-side batching in .Net Standard #594

Open brijeshb opened 5 years ago

brijeshb commented 5 years ago Speaks of client side batching to improve throughput in the older library. What is its equivalent in the new .Net Standard library?

sandipbhavsar commented 5 years ago

What is the equivelant behaviour of batching in .Net Standerd library

AceHack commented 5 years ago

How do I batch like from this article? Please respond.

SeanFeldman commented 5 years ago

There's no equivalent for client side batching as of this moment. There's another feature that is supposed to bring batching to the client.

brijeshb commented 5 years ago

@SeanFeldman Looking at the other other issue, i'm not sure it attempts to tackle the same issue as this request. Attempting to conflate them may cause this one to be marked incorrectly as a duplicate.

The ask here is for the sdk to provide a thread safe way to automatically buffer and send messages. Consumers are not burdened with the logic for this, and instead can exchange end to end latency for greater throughput.

Whereas in the issue you linked, the ask seems to be to ensure the batch send api handles the batch size effectively and does not break.

(If the two asks are meant to be the same, it may help to add more context / improve wording.)

SeanFeldman commented 5 years ago

i'm not sure it attempts to tackle the same issue as this request. Attempting to conflate them may cause this one to be marked incorrectly as a duplicate.

Note I did not say it was a similar feature or the issue is a duplicate. I merely stated that the feature you're asking does not exist and that there's another feature to bring batching to the client.

SeanFeldman commented 5 years ago

I'm curious how much this was need for SBMP and no longer required with AMQP, which maintains a link all the time to send/receive. @binzywu @nemakam could you please shed some light?