Azure / azure-service-bus-emulator-installer

This repository acts as a central hub for handling issues, collecting feedback, and facilitating discussions related to the Azure Service Bus Emulator.
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Needs clearer documentation #14

Open ALydiard opened 2 days ago

ALydiard commented 2 days ago

First off, I'm glad this was released as it will definitely help out with local development/debugging of services that need to utilize the Azure Service Bus without relying on an external cloud dependency and I sincerely am grateful for it being released.

However, there's some murky details within the existing documentation that make utilizing this much more difficult than it probably should be, and below are just some of the things I've noticed:

I understand that the release literally just dropped today and will likely have improvements as time goes on, but I've combed over what information this is, and still having no luck getting connected to the emulator.

tombiddulph commented 2 days ago

FWIW I've got the emulator running sucessfuly on my Mac by folowing the steps in the readme, I haven't had to any extra configuration. The sql container failed to start the first time but I reran without issue.

Regarding your first point, I used the first connection string in the readme with the literal SAS_KEY_VALUE in it, eg Endpoint=sb://localhost;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=SAS_KEY_VALUE;UseDevelopmentEmulator=true"


krishankumar95 commented 1 day ago

@tombiddulph : SQL container crashing on Mac relates to an open issue at docker. Recycling the containers few times is one way out, there are other workaround available on the issue.

krishankumar95 commented 1 day ago

@ALydiard Thanks for highlighting the gaps.

  1. SAS_KEY_VALUE itself is the intended value. We generally expect the user to copy paste the connection string from the docs. But I do get the confusion here. We will probably add a note under the connection string section.

  2. This has been fixed.

  3. We have added a schema for the user specified .json config that describes the config and the limits : User Config Schema

Tagging @Saglodha for further comments on point 4 and any of previous points.