Our service is seeing an System.ObjectDisposedException in our logs every once in a while.
Expected Behavior
No System.ObjectDisposedException bring thrown or appearing in our logs.
Hi team,
I'd like to understand the possible causes of the following exception that I've seen discussed on the archived repo. We see it infrequently in our service logs, but the service bus is otherwise working. Does the service bus client handle this exception and retry the connection?:
"ClassName": "System.ObjectDisposedException",
"Message": "Cannot access a disposed object.",
"Data": null,
"InnerException": null,
"HelpURL": null,
"StackTraceString": " at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.MessageReceiver.OnReceiveAsync(Int32 maxMessageCount, TimeSpan serverWaitTime)\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.MessageReceiver.<>c__DisplayClass65_0.<<ReceiveAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.RetryPolicy.RunOperation(Func`1 operation, TimeSpan operationTimeout)\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.RetryPolicy.RunOperation(Func`1 operation, TimeSpan operationTimeout)\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.MessageReceiver.ReceiveAsync(Int32 maxMessageCount, TimeSpan operationTimeout)\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Core.MessageReceiver.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan operationTimeout)\r\n at Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.MessageReceivePump.<MessagePumpTaskAsync>b__12_0()",
"RemoteStackTraceString": null,
"RemoteStackIndex": 0,
"ExceptionMethod": null,
"HResult": -2146232798,
"Source": "Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus",
"WatsonBuckets": null,
"ObjectName": "$cbs",
"Action": "Receive",
"Endpoint": "lagrosb-prod-westeurope.servicebus.windows.net",
"EntityPath": "goals-and-activities-topic/Subscriptions/goals-service",
"ClientId": "MessageReceiver3goals-and-activities-topic/Subscriptions/goals-service",
Actual Behavior
Expected Behavior
Hi team,
I'd like to understand the possible causes of the following exception that I've seen discussed on the archived repo. We see it infrequently in our service logs, but the service bus is otherwise working. Does the service bus client handle this exception and retry the connection?:
Thank you