Azure / azure-service-bus

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Feature request: dead-letter all messages in a given session #675

Open SeanFeldman opened 10 months ago

SeanFeldman commented 10 months ago

Message Sessions allow the orderly processing of messages. When a given message in a session fails to be processed, there are times when the rest of the messages shouldn't be processed. This requires developing custom logic to dead-letter the rest of the messages in a session. ServiceBusSessionProcessor provides an error handling callback, OnProcessErrorAsync, but there's no way to achieve the desired - prevent the rest of the messages in session from being attempted for processing by dead-lettering the remaining letters in that session.

EldertGrootenboer commented 10 months ago

Thank you for suggesting this feature. However, since we're not considering it in the short-term, we've added it to our backlog. To help us give this the right priority, it would be helpful to see others vote and support this feature, as well as explain their scenarios.

EldertGrootenboer commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your feedback on this item, it helps us in our efforts to continuously prioritize the different requests we get from all our various feedback channels. We have added this feature in our backlog, however we currently don't have an ETA on when development might start on this. For now, to help us give this the right priority, it would be helpful to see others vote and support this feature, as well as explain their scenarios.

akishaha commented 3 months ago

Kindly do let us know if this has been prioterised from the backlog. This is a very valid scenario that we are facing in current scope of requirements. If ServiceBus SDK can enable this feature then it will help in many scenarios rather than implementing with some custom persistent mechanism.

EldertGrootenboer commented 2 months ago

We have added this feature in our backlog, however we currently don't have an ETA on when development might start on this. For now, to help us give this the right priority, it would be helpful to see others vote and support this feature, as well as explain their scenarios.