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AutoDelete logs do not contain subscription and topic information #686

Closed dldldlepl closed 6 months ago

dldldlepl commented 6 months ago

The azure diagnostic logs with EventName_s "AutoDelete Delete Subscription" do not contain an information about the deleted subscription and on which topic this subscription was.

The column "_ResourceId" which should contain this information contains only the full namespace id.

Actual Behavior

  1. Diagnostic Logs need to be enabled
  2. Have a subscription in a topic which was automatically deleted by the service bus
  3. In the logs you can see that the event log for EventName_s = AutoDelete Delete Subscription does not contain any information about what was deleted.

Expected Behavior

The log should contain information about what has been deleted. Knowing that something has been deleted but not knowing what is not very helpful. According to the documentation _ResourceId should contain this information.

This was already reported here: #654 and here according to it, it should have been fixed, but there is still no information visible in what has been deleted. So the log is pretty useless right now!

EldertGrootenboer commented 6 months ago

Hi, we have investigated this, and found the cause of this issue. A fix has been created for this, and will be rolled out in Q1CY24.