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Azure Service Bus - Topic - Standard SKU - Networking issues #709

Closed jonmikeli closed 2 weeks ago

jonmikeli commented 3 weeks ago


Actual Behavior

  1. Go to a Topic
  2. Open the Service Bus Explorer (Azure Portal)
  3. Error: "This namespace has public network access disabled ......" (see screenshot) image

No way to change the Networking settings from the Azure Portal (the menu is not available).


Expected Behavior

  1. Go to a Topic
  2. Open the Service Bus Explorer (Azure Portal)
  3. Be allowed to consume or generate messages since networking is only available for the Premium SKU (the Standard SKU is expected to be "public").
EldertGrootenboer commented 2 weeks ago

Virtual networks are only available for Service Bus Premium, however the other SKUs do allow for other networking restrrictions, as described at We are aware that currently there is no network blade for these other SKUs, this is something that we will work on in the future.