Azure / azure-service-bus

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UpdateSubscriptionAsync method does not update AutoDeleteOnIdle properties #711

Open jsquire opened 2 weeks ago

jsquire commented 2 weeks ago

Issue Transfer

This issue has been transferred from the Azure SDK for .NET repository, #44458.

Please be aware that @liangdaxian is the author of the original issue and include them for any questions or replies.

Service Bus team: The Azure SDK team has investigated the client side and confirmed that the autoDeleteOnIdle property is defined in the service spec and that the payload is being formatted correctly by the client. This looks to be an issue with the Service Bus ATOM service.


i am trying to using the admin api to update some subscription AutDeleteOnIdel time span, code snip as:

var subs = admin.GetSubscriptionsAsync(topicName).GetAsyncEnumerator(); while (subs.MoveNextAsync().AsTask().Result) { var subdetails = admin.GetSubscriptionAsync(topicName, subs.Current.SubscriptionName).Result.Value;

subdetails.AutoDeleteOnIdle = TimeSpan.FromDays(90);

var updated = admin.UpdateSubscriptionAsync(subdetails).Result.Value;

Console.Out.WriteLine($"Sub {subdetails.SubscriptionName} in {subdetails.TopicName} updated autodelete on idle");


EldertGrootenboer commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your feedback. We have opened an investigation task for this in our backlog, and will update this issue when we have more information.