Azure / azure-storage-python

Microsoft Azure Storage Library for Python
MIT License
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Import errors with BlockBlobService #666

Closed kmair closed 4 years ago

kmair commented 4 years ago

Which service(blob, file, queue) does this issue concern?

Only the BlockBlobService importing issue. Rest are being correctly imported

Which version of the SDK was used? Please provide the output of pip freeze.

azure-core==1.6.0 azure-storage-blob==12.3.1

What problem was encountered?

On trying to run: from import BlockBlobService

Results in: ImportError: cannot import name 'BlockBlobService' from '' (C:\Users..\azure\storage\

Have you found a mitigation/solution?

Can't solve the import error

xiafu-msft commented 4 years ago

Hi @kmair you are looking at a wrong repo. is the correct repo

xiafu-msft commented 4 years ago

please refer to the wiki

I'll close this issue for now, if you still have the problem please feel free to reopen it!