Azure / azure-uamqp-python

AMQP 1.0 client library for Python
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Improvement on bearer token type support with azure-identity #238

Closed yunhaoling closed 3 years ago

yunhaoling commented 3 years ago


If users want to use azure-identity for authenticating the endpoint with uamqp, JWTTokenAuth shall be used, but if the token type is not of jwt, e.g. bearer, then users would need to call update_token by themselves to initially set self.token.

only b'jwt' would be handled internally -- CBSAuthMixin impl.

To improve this, options could be:

  1. CBSAuthMixin could/should call update_token when it's a JWTAuth
  2. Introduce a new BearAuth class

Action items:

  1. Understand the difference between bearer token and jwt token, check if bearer is the same or sub concept of jwt.
  2. Investigate different token types under azure-identity to see if JWTAuth suffices the goal.

Sample code for bearer token type:

from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential
from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken
from uamqp import authentication, SendClient, Message
from uamqp.message import MessageProperties
iothub_uri = '<iot hub name>'
credential = AzureCliCredential()
def get_token():
    result = credential.get_token("")
    return AccessToken("Bearer " + result.token, result.expires_on)
auth = authentication.JWTTokenAuth(
    uri="https://" + iothub_uri,
auth.update_token()  # ****** Manually call update_token
amqp_service_target = "amqps://" + iothub_uri + "/messages/devicebound"
send_client = SendClient(target=amqp_service_target, auth=auth)
msg_props = MessageProperties() = "/devices/<device id>/messages/devicebound"
message = Message(b'data', msg_props)