Open ShreyaMicrosft0306 opened 5 months ago
Hello. I think this sample will get you close:
Note how TokenCredential
is set here, and I use the DefaultAzureCredential
(the identity of the running process or host), but you could set it to something very specific.
Sorry, but it is an awful experience. Environment variable? Magic settings names? Can we drop all of this and have a straight forward setup, where I tell this SDK which client to use or which authentication method to use?
Please provide a succinct description of the issue.
How to use custom Azure Idenity token credential with JobHostConfiguration instead of connection string
Provide the steps required to reproduce the problem
JobHostConfiguration in Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host var host=new JobHostConfiguration(_tableStorageConnectionString)
we are currently initializing host as above using tableStorageConnectionString but we want to leverage tokencredentials where we can authenticate using our first party app can you please help with how we can achieve that?
want to pass the token something like this Dependency injection with the Azure SDK for .NET - .NET | Microsoft Learn
Expected behavior
Unable to pass First party token to JobhostConfiguration
Actual behavior
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