Azure / azure-webpubsub

Azure Web PubSub Service helps you to manage WebSocket connections and do publish and subscribe in an easy way
MIT License
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Access control (IAM) list has lots of "SignalR" roles #49

Open vicancy opened 3 years ago

vicancy commented 3 years ago

for example:


Pwd9000-ML commented 3 years ago

Hi We are using "SignalR Contributor" in RBAC, but this is gone now? What happened? "SignalR Contributor" is no longer a built in role? Is the role now called "SignalR/Web PubSub Contributor"? Makes sense, but would be nice to confirm?

vicancy commented 3 years ago

Yes we named it to "SignalR/Web PubSub Contributor", or you can use other "Web PubSub" related roles

Pwd9000-ML commented 3 years ago

Thank you for confirming! That is perfect!