Azure / azurefile-dockervolumedriver

Docker Volume Driver for Azure File Service over SMB/CIFS :whale:
Apache License 2.0
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Docker Swarm cluster not recognizing plugin after install on all nodes #81

Closed ehanlon closed 6 years ago

ehanlon commented 7 years ago



  1. Deploy nodes using docker-machine create -d azure
  2. docker-machine ssh to each VM to install the volume driver
  3. systemctl status azurefile-dockervolumedriver shows that the service started successfully and is active.
  4. Run docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml <service_name> on swarm manager node
  5. docker stack ps <service_name> shows current state of all containers as Pending
  6. docker inspect <container_id> in the service shows state as pending due to "no suitable node missing plugin"
  7. Running docker info on the nodes shows:

      Volume: local


  1. After completing the installation of the plugin, create a test volume by running docker volume create -d azurefile -o share=<my_test_share>
  2. Running docker info on the node now yields:

       Volume: local azurefile

Expected behavior

Install plugin on nodes, and Docker recognizes that the plugin is already installed without running docker volume create -d azurefile -o share=<my_test_share> to toggle recognition.

alexsandro-xpt commented 7 years ago

Why you do not use Docker for Azure? It's have cloudstor plugin.

ehanlon commented 7 years ago

@alexsandro-xpt we're using this in an environment that is behind an ExpressRoute, and has policies that prevent us from creating resources with Public IP's.

The other issue is that my team uses Stable Channel, and according to the documentation for CloudStor it is currently only available on the Edge Channel.

Note: Cloudstor is currently only pre-installed and pre-configured in the edge channel distribution of Docker for Azure v17.03.

alexsandro-xpt commented 7 years ago

Alright @ehanlon, I'm using CloudStor, my only question about CloudStor is about backups. All time when we create a new cluster using Docker for Azure, it's don't request us nothing about using an exist NFS for reaprovetation.

This my question. No answer yet.

msftgits commented 6 years ago

This driver is no longer supported and will not be maintained moving forward. We recommend users use CloudStor for Docker native solutions.

Thanks for your contribution, but to reduce confusion, we are closing issues, pull requests, and marking the repo as 'Archive' for the time being.