Azure / azureml-managed-network-isolation

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AML deployment fails #17

Open szymonos opened 1 year ago

szymonos commented 1 year ago

New workspace creation using the command:

az ml workspace create -n <new_ws_name> -g <rg_name> --location eastus --managed-network disabled

fails with the error:

Code: InvalidTemplateDeployment
Message: The template deployment failed because of policy violation. Please see details for more information.
Exception Details:      (RequestDisallowedByPolicy) Resource 'DefaultResourceGroup-eastus' was disallowed by policy. Reasons: 'ResourceGroup is missing key mandatory tags: Cost_Center, Application_Id, Application_Name and Stage. Add them and retry deployment.'. See error details for policy resource IDs.
        Code: RequestDisallowedByPolicy
        Message: Resource 'DefaultResourceGroup-eastus' was disallowed by policy. Reasons: 'ResourceGroup is missing key mandatory tags: xxx, xxx, ... . Add them and retry deployment.'. See error details for policy resource IDs.
        Target: DefaultResourceGroup-eastus

Is it possible to propagate tags from the resource group provided in the az ml workspace create command?

jhirono commented 1 year ago

This issue came from our move to log analytics based app insights. For its workaround, could you create app insights and specify that at workspace creation time to avoid this for now. We are working to fix this.