SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
Starting App insights background process in D:\batch\tasks\startup\wd
TaskPath TaskName State
-------- -------- -----
\ batchappinsights Ready
\ batchappinsights Running
[33mWARN[0m Using postional arguments for Node ID, PoolID, KEY and Process names is deprecated. Use --poolID, --nodeID, --instKey, --process
[33mWARN[0m It will be removed in 2.0.0
User configuration:
Pool ID: psl1
Node ID: tvmps_******
Instrumentation Key: xxxxx
Aggregation: 1
Disable: []
Monitoring processes: [--poolID]
BatchInsights configuration:
Pool ID: psl1
Node ID: tvmps_966f3398e2dcc0f5778aa0650e26720476375e2eebd4dddbb14d1bbd4bc80110_d
Instrumentation Key: xxxxx
Aggregation: 1m0s
Sampling rate: 5000000000
Disable: {"diskIO":false,"diskUsage":false,"networkIO":false,"gpu":false,"cpu":false,"memory":false}
Monitoring processes: [--poolID]
System information:
OS: windows
No GPU detected. Nvidia driver might be missing. Error while initializing NVML NVIDIA driver is not loaded
Batch configured, but metrics are not collected
Batch configuration