Azure / bicep-registry-modules

Bicep registry modules
MIT License
471 stars 325 forks source link

[Module Proposal]: Function app #259

Closed rhalloul closed 1 year ago

rhalloul commented 1 year ago

Have you checked this module does not already exist in the registry?


Why is the module needed?

Function App module that support both user and system assign identity, also has an option that allow deployment from a zip file

Module path


Describe the module

Function app module allow user to choose either a user assigned or system assigned identity, there is also an option for the user to enable the source code and deploy the function app as a zip file

vlahane commented 1 year ago
dciborow commented 1 year ago

I have this old module which may be helpful to get started.

param config object = {
  'location': resourceGroup().location
  'tags': {
    'aia-industry': 'industry'
    'aia-solution': 'solution'
    'aia-version': '0.0'
  'enable': {
    'vNET': false
  'resources': {
    'website': 'website${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Describes plan\'s pricing tier and instance size. Check details at')
param skuName string = 'F1'

@description('Describes plan\'s instance count')
param skuCapacity int = 1

param subnetID string = ''

var ipSecurityRestrictions = config.enable.vNET ? [
    vnetSubnetResourceId: subnetID
    action: 'Allow'
    tag: 'Default'
    priority: 1
    name: 'allowinboundonlyfromvnet'
    description: 'Allowing inbound only from VNET'
    ipAddress: 'AzureCognitiveSearch'
    tag: 'ServiceTag'
    action: 'Allow'
    priority: 2
    name: 'allowsearchinbound'
    description: 'allow search inbound from webapps'
] : []
var scmIpSecurityRestrictions = config.enable.vNET ? [
    vnetSubnetResourceId: subnetID
    action: 'Allow'
    tag: 'Default'
    priority: 1
    name: 'allowscminboundonlyfromvnet'
    description: 'Allowing scm inbound only from VNET'
    ipAddress: 'AzureCognitiveSearch'
    tag: 'ServiceTag'
    action: 'Allow'
    priority: 2
    name: 'allowsearchinbound'
    description: 'allow search inbound from webapps'
] : []

var linuxFxVersion = 'PYTHON|3.7'

module hostingPlanName 'serverfarms.bicep' = {
  name: 'host${}'
  params: {
    config: config
    skuName: skuName
    skuCapacity: skuCapacity
resource webSite 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2020-12-01' = {
  location: config.location
  tags: {
    'hidden-related:${resourceGroup().id}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/host${}': 'Resource'
    displayName: 'Website'
  properties: {
    siteConfig: {
      linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion
      ipSecurityRestrictions: ipSecurityRestrictions
      scmIpSecurityRestrictions: scmIpSecurityRestrictions
output id string =