Open VenkataRKC opened 1 month ago
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@VenkataRKC, thanks for submitting this issue for the avm/res/app/managed-environment
[!IMPORTANT] A member of the @Azure/avm-res-app-managedenvironment-module-owners-bicep or @Azure/avm-res-app-managedenvironment-module-contributors-bicep team will review it soon!
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@VenkataRKC can I see some example code? When I deploy w/o passing a value for the infrastructureResourceGroupName param, I see a RG created with the ME_**** format.
@hundredacres thank you for the response, what is the scope that is used for deployment is it on the subscription level or resource group level ?. i used the resource module instead of AVM and seems to be working. I noticed that it has to do with scope.
When i execute the deployment with az deployment sub create -f <templatefile> -p <paramfile>
it does not create the ME**** resource group, but i dont get any error the deployment succeeds and i dont see the ME** resource group. Where as if i execute the deployment with az deployment group create -g <resourceGroup> -f <templatefile> -p <paramfile>
it created the ME_*** resource group. Please find the code.
And also could you please confirm that when we use the "internal: true" flag do you see only one component getting created in the ME_**** resource group that is the Load Balancer ?. Appreciate your response.
targetScope = 'resourceGroup' @description('Required. Enter the name of this resource.') param name string @description('Required. Enter the Log Analytics Workspace Id') param logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId string
@description('Location for all resources.') param location string
@description('Optional. The Resource Group Name of the App Container Environment".') param infrastructureResourceGroupName string = ''
@description('Required. The Subnet ID of the Azure Container Environment".') param infrastructureSubnetId string = ''
@description('Optional. The Workload Profile details Defaults to Consumption".') param workloadProfiles array = []
@description('Tags in form of key-value pairs') param tags object
// ------------------ // VARIABLES // ------------------
var defaultWorkloadProfile = [ { workloadProfileType: 'Consumption' name: 'Consumption' } ]
var effectiveWorkloadProfiles = workloadProfiles != [] ? concat(defaultWorkloadProfile, workloadProfiles) : defaultWorkloadProfile
module managedEnvironment 'br/public:avm/res/app/managed-environment:0.7.0' ={ name: 'managedenvironment' params:{ name: name dockerBridgeCidr: '' infrastructureResourceGroupName: empty(infrastructureResourceGroupName) ? take('ME${resourceGroup().name}${name}', 63) : infrastructureResourceGroupName infrastructureSubnetId: infrastructureSubnetId internal: true location: location platformReservedCidr: '' platformReservedDnsIP: '' workloadProfiles: effectiveWorkloadProfiles logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId: logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId tags: tags } }
// ------------------ // OUTPUTS // ------------------
@description('The Name of the Azure container app environment.') output containerAppsEnvironmentName string =
@description('The Name of the ACE infrastrucutre Resource Group.') output containerAppsInfrastructureResourceGroup string = empty(infrastructureResourceGroupName) ? take('ME${resourceGroup().name}${name}', 63) : infrastructureResourceGroupName
@description('The resource ID of the Azure container app environment.') output containerAppsEnvironmentNameId string = managedEnvironment.outputs.resourceId
@description('The default domain of the Azure container app environment.') output containerAppsEnvironmentDefaultDomain string = managedEnvironment.outputs.defaultDomain
@description('The Azure container app environment\'s Load Balancer IP.') output containerAppsEnvironmentLoadBalancerIP string = managedEnvironment.outputs.staticIp
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I am trying to create a ACA Environment using the module provided, i am not sure if it creates the Managed Resource Group when we use the workload profile type. I see the environment being created but dont see any managed resource group which starts with a ME_ . Appreciate your response. When i view the Json view of the ACA environment i see the infrastrucutureResourceGroup as null. "infrastructureResourceGroup": null,
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