Azure / bicep-types-az

Bicep type definitions for ARM resources
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ContainerApps: cpu 0.5 not valid #1404

Open cveld opened 1 year ago

cveld commented 1 year ago

Resource Type


Api Version


Issue Type

Inaccurate property type(s)

Other Notes

The type is marked as integer whereas the value of 0.5 is accepted by Azure. In Visual Studio Code I therefore get a yellow squiggly line.

Bicep Repro

param containerappName string = 'mycontainerapp3'
param location string = 'westeurope'
param environment_name string = 'my-environment'
param container_image string = ''

param registry_password string = newGuid()

resource containerapp 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2022-03-01' = {
  name: containerappName
  location: location
  identity: {
    type: 'None'
  properties: {
    managedEnvironmentId: resourceId('Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments', environment_name)
    configuration: {
      secrets: [
          name: 'mysecret'
          value: 'thisismysecret'
          name: 'myregistrypassword'
          value: registry_password
      ingress: {
        external: true
        targetPort: 80
        allowInsecure: false
        traffic: [
            latestRevision: true
            weight: 100
      registries: [
          server: ''
          username: containerappName
          passwordSecretRef: 'myregistrypassword'
      // dapr: {
      //   appId: containerappName
      //   appPort: 80
      //   appProtocol: 'http'
      //   enabled: true
      // }
    template: {
      revisionSuffix: 'myrevision'
      containers: [
          name: 'main'
          image: container_image
          env: [
              name: 'HTTP_PORT'
              value: '80'
              name: 'SECRET_VAL'
              secretRef: 'mysecret'
          command: [
          resources: {
            cpu: '0.5'
            memory: '1Gi'
          probes: []
          // probes: [
          //   {
          //     type: 'liveness'
          //     httpGet: {
          //       path: '/health'
          //       port: 8080
          //       httpHeaders: [
          //         {
          //           name: 'Custom-Header'
          //           value: 'liveness probe'
          //         }
          //       ]
          //     }
          //     initialDelaySeconds: 7
          //     periodSeconds: 3
          //   }
          //   {
          //     type: 'readiness'
          //     tcpSocket: {
          //       port: 8081
          //     }
          //     initialDelaySeconds: 10
          //     periodSeconds: 3
          //   }
          //   {
          //     type: 'startup'
          //     httpGet: {
          //       path: '/startup'
          //       port: 8080
          //       httpHeaders: [
          //         {
          //           name: 'Custom-Header'
          //           value: 'startup probe'
          //         }
          //       ]
          //     }
          //     initialDelaySeconds: 3
          //     periodSeconds: 3
          //   }
          // ]
          volumeMounts: [
              mountPath: '/myempty'
              volumeName: 'myempty'
              mountPath: '/myfiles'
              volumeName: 'azure-files-volume'
      scale: {
        minReplicas: 1
        maxReplicas: 3
      volumes: [
          name: 'myempty'
          storageType: 'EmptyDir'
          name: 'azure-files-volume'
          storageType: 'AzureFile'
          storageName: 'mystorage'


GeekTrainer commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue on 2022-10-01

ghost commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @calvinsID. Please see for troubleshooting help.

Issue Details
### Resource Type Microsoft.App/containerApps ### Api Version 2022-03-01 ### Issue Type Inaccurate property type(s) ### Other Notes The type is marked as integer whereas the value of 0.5 is accepted by Azure. In Visual Studio Code I therefore get a yellow squiggly line. ### Bicep Repro ```bicep param containerappName string = 'mycontainerapp3' param location string = 'westeurope' param environment_name string = 'my-environment' param container_image string = '' @secure() param registry_password string = newGuid() resource containerapp 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2022-03-01' = { name: containerappName location: location identity: { type: 'None' } properties: { managedEnvironmentId: resourceId('Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments', environment_name) configuration: { secrets: [ { name: 'mysecret' value: 'thisismysecret' } { name: 'myregistrypassword' value: registry_password } ] ingress: { external: true targetPort: 80 allowInsecure: false traffic: [ { latestRevision: true weight: 100 } ] } registries: [ { server: '' username: containerappName passwordSecretRef: 'myregistrypassword' } ] // dapr: { // appId: containerappName // appPort: 80 // appProtocol: 'http' // enabled: true // } } template: { revisionSuffix: 'myrevision' containers: [ { name: 'main' image: container_image env: [ { name: 'HTTP_PORT' value: '80' } { name: 'SECRET_VAL' secretRef: 'mysecret' } ] command: [ 'npm' 'start' ] resources: { cpu: '0.5' memory: '1Gi' } probes: [] // probes: [ // { // type: 'liveness' // httpGet: { // path: '/health' // port: 8080 // httpHeaders: [ // { // name: 'Custom-Header' // value: 'liveness probe' // } // ] // } // initialDelaySeconds: 7 // periodSeconds: 3 // } // { // type: 'readiness' // tcpSocket: { // port: 8081 // } // initialDelaySeconds: 10 // periodSeconds: 3 // } // { // type: 'startup' // httpGet: { // path: '/startup' // port: 8080 // httpHeaders: [ // { // name: 'Custom-Header' // value: 'startup probe' // } // ] // } // initialDelaySeconds: 3 // periodSeconds: 3 // } // ] volumeMounts: [ { mountPath: '/myempty' volumeName: 'myempty' } { mountPath: '/myfiles' volumeName: 'azure-files-volume' } ] } ] scale: { minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 3 } volumes: [ { name: 'myempty' storageType: 'EmptyDir' } { name: 'azure-files-volume' storageType: 'AzureFile' storageName: 'mystorage' } ] } } } ``` ### Confirm - [X] I have searched this repository and have not found similar issue reports.
Author: cveld
Assignees: -
Labels: `inaccuracy`, `RP: Microsoft.App`, `Service Attention`, `ContainerApp`
Milestone: -
ckittel commented 1 year ago

Same still on 2022-11-01-preview.

acarter24 commented 1 year ago

Same issue on 2023-05-01, using any for now

gcarrarom commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

carlin-q-scott commented 8 months ago

You can disable the type checking for the cpu limit using a linter comment:

#disable-next-line BCP036
cpu: '0.5'

Bicep linter directives are documented here. Amazingly, VS Code Intellisense knew which code to use after the linter directive to silence the type checking. Copilot did not.