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Subsequent deployments of Synapse does not update sqlAdministratorLoginPassword #1473

Open wbevans opened 1 year ago

wbevans commented 1 year ago

Bicep version Bicep CLI version 0.15.31 (3ba6e06a8d)

Describe the bug When creating a Synapse workspace using a Bicep template (see template below), providing a value for sqlAdministratorLoginPassword works for the initial creation of the resource. However, if a new value is passed in to a subsequent deployment, the original sqlAdministratorLoginPassword is used, the password is never updated to reflect the new value.

To Reproduce

  1. Deploy resource using template
  2. Re-deploy resource using a new password
  3. Attempt to login to Serverless SQL endpoint using admin login and password. Can only login with original password

Additional context Deployment is being done on Azure Devops. See full template below:

param password string = newGuid()
param suffix string
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param managed_identity_id string
param data_lake_storage_url string
param data_like_file_system string

resource synapse_workspace 'Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces@2021-06-01' = {
  name: 'syn${suffix}'
  location: location
  identity: {
    type: 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned'
    userAssignedIdentities: {
      '${managed_identity_id}': {}
  properties: {
    defaultDataLakeStorage: {
      accountUrl: data_lake_storage_url
      filesystem: data_like_file_system
    sqlAdministratorLoginPassword: password

  resource workspace_firewall 'firewallRules@2021-04-01-preview' = {
    name: 'allowAll'
    properties: {
      startIpAddress: ''
      endIpAddress: ''

  resource spark_pool 'bigDataPools@2021-06-01' = {
    name: 'sparktest'
    location: location
    properties: {
      autoPause: {
        delayInMinutes: 15
        enabled: true
      autoScale: {
        enabled: true
        maxNodeCount: 10
        minNodeCount: 3
      nodeCount: 3
      nodeSize: 'Medium'
      nodeSizeFamily: 'MemoryOptimized'
      sparkVersion: '3.2'
ghost commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @wonner, @yanjungao718. Please see for troubleshooting help.

Issue Details
**Bicep version** Bicep CLI version 0.15.31 (3ba6e06a8d) **Describe the bug** When creating a Synapse workspace using a Bicep template (see template below), providing a value for sqlAdministratorLoginPassword works for the initial creation of the resource. However, if a new value is passed in to a subsequent deployment, the original sqlAdministratorLoginPassword is used, the password is never updated to reflect the new value. **To Reproduce** 1. Deploy resource using template 2. Re-deploy resource using a new password 3. Attempt to login to Serverless SQL endpoint using admin login and password. Can only login with original password **Additional context** Deployment is being done on Azure Devops. See full template below: ``` @secure() param password string = newGuid() param suffix string param location string = resourceGroup().location param managed_identity_id string param data_lake_storage_url string param data_like_file_system string resource synapse_workspace 'Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces@2021-06-01' = { name: 'syn${suffix}' location: location identity: { type: 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned' userAssignedIdentities: { '${managed_identity_id}': {} } } properties: { defaultDataLakeStorage: { accountUrl: data_lake_storage_url filesystem: data_like_file_system } sqlAdministratorLoginPassword: password } resource workspace_firewall 'firewallRules@2021-04-01-preview' = { name: 'allowAll' properties: { startIpAddress: '' endIpAddress: '' } } resource spark_pool 'bigDataPools@2021-06-01' = { name: 'sparktest' location: location properties: { autoPause: { delayInMinutes: 15 enabled: true } autoScale: { enabled: true maxNodeCount: 10 minNodeCount: 3 } nodeCount: 3 nodeSize: 'Medium' nodeSizeFamily: 'MemoryOptimized' sparkVersion: '3.2' } } } ```
Author: wbevans
Assignees: -
Labels: `RP: Microsoft.Synapse`, `Service Attention`, `Synapse`
Milestone: -
yanjungao718 commented 1 year ago

Tried to call Put API of Synapse workspace creation , sqlAdministratorLoginPassword cannot be updated, please reach out to RP team to take a look. Thanks!