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dataFileSize and dataFileCount settings ignored in sqlVirtualMachines API #1551

Open MPowellFDB opened 1 year ago

MPowellFDB commented 1 year ago

Bicep version Bicep CLI version 0.16.2 (de7fdd2b33)

Describe the bug When deploying a SQL Virtual Machine using Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview, the sqlTempDbSettings > dataFileCount and dataFileSize settings appear to be ignored.

resource sqlVirtualMachine 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview' = {
  name: virtualMachineName
  location: location
  properties: {
    sqlManagement: 'Full'
    sqlServerLicenseType: 'PAYG'
    storageConfigurationSettings: {
      diskConfigurationType: diskConfigurationType
      storageWorkloadType: 'OLTP'
      sqlDataSettings: {
        luns: dataDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: dataPath
      sqlLogSettings: {
        luns: logDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: logPath
      sqlTempDbSettings: {
        dataFileCount: 8 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED
        dataFileSize: 1024 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED
        luns: tempDbDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: tempDbPath
    serverConfigurationsManagementSettings: {
      collation: 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS'

When I create a VM, it always creates tempdb files based on the number of Cores the VM has, with an 8MB file size.

To Reproduce Enter top 5 parameter values and run the following template for a Standard_F2s_v2 VM in Bicep. Check the tempdb file count and size (existing vnet/subnet required):

@description('Specify the name of an existing VNet in the same resource group')
param existingVirtualNetworkName string // ENTER VALUE

@description('Specify the resource group of the existing VNet')
param existingVnetResourceGroup string // ENTER VALUE

@description('Specify the name of the Subnet Name')
param existingSubnetName string // ENTER VALUE

@description('The admin user name of the VM')
param adminUsername string // ENTER VALUE

@description('The admin password of the VM')
param adminPassword string // ENTER VALUE

@description('The name of the VM')
param virtualMachineName string = 'vmName'

@description('The virtual machine size.')
param virtualMachineSize string = 'Standard_F2s_v2'

@description('Windows Server and SQL Offer')
param imageOffer string = 'SQL2017-WS2016'

@description('SQL Server Sku')
param sqlSku string = 'SQLDEV'

@description('Amount of data disks for SQL Data files')
param sqlDataDisksCount int = 1

@description('Path for SQL Data files. Please choose drive letter from F to Z, and other drives from A to E are reserved for system')
param dataPath string = 'F:\\DataFiles'

@description('Amount of data disks for SQL Log files')
param sqlLogDisksCount int = 1

@description('Amount of data disks for SQL Log files')
param sqlTempDbDisksCount int = 1

@description('Path for SQL Log files. Please choose drive letter from F to Z and different than the one used for SQL data. Drive letter from A to E are reserved for system')
param logPath string = 'G:\\LogFiles'

@description('Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('Size of Data Disks in GB')
param dataDiskSizeGb int = 32

@description('Enter the type of disk (Premium_LRS or Standard_LRS)')
param storageDiskType string = 'Premium_LRS'

var networkInterfaceName = '${virtualMachineName}-nic'
var networkSecurityGroupName = '${virtualMachineName}-nsg'
var networkSecurityGroupRules = [
    name: 'RDP'
    properties: {
      priority: 300
      protocol: 'Tcp'
      access: 'Allow'
      direction: 'Inbound'
      sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
      sourcePortRange: '*'
      destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
      destinationPortRange: '3389'
    name: 'SQL'
    properties: {
      priority: 400
      protocol: 'Tcp'
      access: 'Allow'
      direction: 'Inbound'
      sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
      sourcePortRange: '*'
      destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
      destinationPortRange: '1433'
var diskConfigurationType = 'NEW'
var nsgId =
var subnetRef = resourceId(existingVnetResourceGroup, 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetWorks/subnets', existingVirtualNetworkName, existingSubnetName)
var dataDisksLuns = range(0, sqlDataDisksCount)
var logDisksLuns = range(sqlDataDisksCount, sqlLogDisksCount)
var tempDbDisksLuns = range((sqlDataDisksCount + sqlLogDisksCount), sqlTempDbDisksCount)
var dataDisks = {
  createOption: 'Empty'
  caching: 'None' 
  writeAcceleratorEnabled: false
  storageAccountType: storageDiskType
  diskSizeGB: dataDiskSizeGb
var tempDbPath = 'H:\\TempDB'

resource networkSecurityGroup 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-01-01' = {
  name: networkSecurityGroupName
  location: location
  properties: {
    securityRules: networkSecurityGroupRules

resource networkInterface 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-01-01' = {
  name: networkInterfaceName
  location: location
  properties: {
    ipConfigurations: [
        name: 'ipconfig1'
        properties: {
          subnet: {
            id: subnetRef
          privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
    enableAcceleratedNetworking: true
    networkSecurityGroup: {
      id: nsgId

resource virtualMachine 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-03-01' = {
  name: virtualMachineName
  location: location
  properties: {
    hardwareProfile: {
      vmSize: virtualMachineSize
    storageProfile: {
      osDisk: {
        createOption: 'FromImage'
        managedDisk: {
          storageAccountType: 'Premium_LRS'
      imageReference: {
        publisher: 'MicrosoftSQLServer'
        offer: imageOffer
        sku: sqlSku
        version: 'latest'
      dataDisks: [for j in range(0, (sqlDataDisksCount + sqlLogDisksCount + sqlTempDbDisksCount)): {
        lun: j
        createOption: dataDisks.createOption
        caching: dataDisks.caching
        writeAcceleratorEnabled: dataDisks.writeAcceleratorEnabled
        diskSizeGB: dataDisks.diskSizeGB
        managedDisk: {
          storageAccountType: dataDisks.storageAccountType
    networkProfile: {
      networkInterfaces: [
    osProfile: {
      computerName: virtualMachineName
      adminUsername: adminUsername
      adminPassword: adminPassword
      windowsConfiguration: {
        enableAutomaticUpdates: false
        provisionVMAgent: true

resource sqlVirtualMachine 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview' = {
  name: virtualMachineName
  location: location
  properties: {
    sqlManagement: 'Full'
    sqlServerLicenseType: 'PAYG'
    storageConfigurationSettings: {
      diskConfigurationType: diskConfigurationType
      storageWorkloadType: 'OLTP'
      sqlDataSettings: {
        luns: dataDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: dataPath
      sqlLogSettings: {
        luns: logDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: logPath
      sqlTempDbSettings: {
        dataFileCount: 8 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED
        dataFileSize: 1024 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED
        luns: tempDbDisksLuns
        defaultFilePath: tempDbPath
    serverConfigurationsManagementSettings: {
      collation: 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS'

Deploy command using Azure CLI:

  az deployment group create `
    --name "templatedeploy" `
    --resource-group "$resourceGroup" `
    --template-file .\template.bicep `
      existingVirtualNetworkName="$vnetName" `
      existingVnetResourceGroup="$vnetResourceGroup" `
      existingSubnetName="$subnetName" `
      adminUsername="$adminUsername" `
      adminPassword="$adminPassword" `

Additional Information

This is important for us, as we would like to provision the machines at a smaller size, then eventually scale the machines up when running performance tests on them. Our Production machines have 8 data files for TempDB and 1024MB file size. We're provisioning a new environment with like-for-like Production infrastructure to allow us to run these tests.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @azureSQLGitHub. Please see for troubleshooting help.

Issue Details
**Bicep version** Bicep CLI version 0.16.2 (de7fdd2b33) **Describe the bug** When deploying a SQL Virtual Machine using Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview, the sqlTempDbSettings > dataFileCount and dataFileSize settings appear to be ignored. ```bicep resource sqlVirtualMachine 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview' = { name: virtualMachineName location: location properties: { virtualMachineResourceId: sqlManagement: 'Full' sqlServerLicenseType: 'PAYG' storageConfigurationSettings: { diskConfigurationType: diskConfigurationType storageWorkloadType: 'OLTP' sqlDataSettings: { luns: dataDisksLuns defaultFilePath: dataPath } sqlLogSettings: { luns: logDisksLuns defaultFilePath: logPath } sqlTempDbSettings: { dataFileCount: 8 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED dataFileSize: 1024 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED luns: tempDbDisksLuns defaultFilePath: tempDbPath } } serverConfigurationsManagementSettings: { sqlInstanceSettings:{ collation: 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS' } } } } ``` When I create a VM, it always creates tempdb files based on the number of Cores the VM has, with an 8MB file size. **To Reproduce** Enter top 5 parameter values and run the following template for a Standard_F2s_v2 VM in Bicep. Check the tempdb file count and size (existing vnet/subnet required): ```bicep @description('Specify the name of an existing VNet in the same resource group') param existingVirtualNetworkName string // ENTER VALUE @description('Specify the resource group of the existing VNet') param existingVnetResourceGroup string // ENTER VALUE @description('Specify the name of the Subnet Name') param existingSubnetName string // ENTER VALUE @description('The admin user name of the VM') param adminUsername string // ENTER VALUE @description('The admin password of the VM') @secure() param adminPassword string // ENTER VALUE @description('The name of the VM') param virtualMachineName string = 'vmName' @description('The virtual machine size.') param virtualMachineSize string = 'Standard_F2s_v2' @description('Windows Server and SQL Offer') @allowed([ 'sql2022-ws2022' 'sql2019-ws2019' 'sql2017-ws2019' 'SQL2017-WS2016' 'SQL2016SP2-WS2016' ]) param imageOffer string = 'SQL2017-WS2016' @description('SQL Server Sku') @allowed([ 'Standard' 'SQLDEV' 'Web' 'Express' ]) param sqlSku string = 'SQLDEV' @description('Amount of data disks for SQL Data files') @minValue(1) @maxValue(8) param sqlDataDisksCount int = 1 @description('Path for SQL Data files. Please choose drive letter from F to Z, and other drives from A to E are reserved for system') param dataPath string = 'F:\\DataFiles' @description('Amount of data disks for SQL Log files') @minValue(1) @maxValue(8) param sqlLogDisksCount int = 1 @description('Amount of data disks for SQL Log files') @minValue(1) @maxValue(8) param sqlTempDbDisksCount int = 1 @description('Path for SQL Log files. Please choose drive letter from F to Z and different than the one used for SQL data. Drive letter from A to E are reserved for system') param logPath string = 'G:\\LogFiles' @description('Location for all resources.') param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('Size of Data Disks in GB') param dataDiskSizeGb int = 32 @description('Enter the type of disk (Premium_LRS or Standard_LRS)') @allowed([ 'Premium_LRS' 'Standard_LRS' 'Premium_ZRS' 'Standard_ZRS' ]) param storageDiskType string = 'Premium_LRS' var networkInterfaceName = '${virtualMachineName}-nic' var networkSecurityGroupName = '${virtualMachineName}-nsg' var networkSecurityGroupRules = [ { name: 'RDP' properties: { priority: 300 protocol: 'Tcp' access: 'Allow' direction: 'Inbound' sourceAddressPrefix: '*' sourcePortRange: '*' destinationAddressPrefix: '*' destinationPortRange: '3389' } } { name: 'SQL' properties: { priority: 400 protocol: 'Tcp' access: 'Allow' direction: 'Inbound' sourceAddressPrefix: '*' sourcePortRange: '*' destinationAddressPrefix: '*' destinationPortRange: '1433' } } ] var diskConfigurationType = 'NEW' var nsgId = var subnetRef = resourceId(existingVnetResourceGroup, 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetWorks/subnets', existingVirtualNetworkName, existingSubnetName) var dataDisksLuns = range(0, sqlDataDisksCount) var logDisksLuns = range(sqlDataDisksCount, sqlLogDisksCount) var tempDbDisksLuns = range((sqlDataDisksCount + sqlLogDisksCount), sqlTempDbDisksCount) var dataDisks = { createOption: 'Empty' caching: 'None' writeAcceleratorEnabled: false storageAccountType: storageDiskType diskSizeGB: dataDiskSizeGb } var tempDbPath = 'H:\\TempDB' resource networkSecurityGroup 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-01-01' = { name: networkSecurityGroupName location: location properties: { securityRules: networkSecurityGroupRules } } resource networkInterface 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-01-01' = { name: networkInterfaceName location: location properties: { ipConfigurations: [ { name: 'ipconfig1' properties: { subnet: { id: subnetRef } privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic' } } ] enableAcceleratedNetworking: true networkSecurityGroup: { id: nsgId } } } resource virtualMachine 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-03-01' = { name: virtualMachineName location: location properties: { hardwareProfile: { vmSize: virtualMachineSize } storageProfile: { osDisk: { createOption: 'FromImage' managedDisk: { storageAccountType: 'Premium_LRS' } } imageReference: { publisher: 'MicrosoftSQLServer' offer: imageOffer sku: sqlSku version: 'latest' } dataDisks: [for j in range(0, (sqlDataDisksCount + sqlLogDisksCount + sqlTempDbDisksCount)): { lun: j createOption: dataDisks.createOption caching: dataDisks.caching writeAcceleratorEnabled: dataDisks.writeAcceleratorEnabled diskSizeGB: dataDisks.diskSizeGB managedDisk: { storageAccountType: dataDisks.storageAccountType } }] } networkProfile: { networkInterfaces: [ { id: } ] } osProfile: { computerName: virtualMachineName adminUsername: adminUsername adminPassword: adminPassword windowsConfiguration: { enableAutomaticUpdates: false provisionVMAgent: true } } } } resource sqlVirtualMachine 'Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines@2022-07-01-preview' = { name: virtualMachineName location: location properties: { virtualMachineResourceId: sqlManagement: 'Full' sqlServerLicenseType: 'PAYG' storageConfigurationSettings: { diskConfigurationType: diskConfigurationType storageWorkloadType: 'OLTP' sqlDataSettings: { luns: dataDisksLuns defaultFilePath: dataPath } sqlLogSettings: { luns: logDisksLuns defaultFilePath: logPath } sqlTempDbSettings: { dataFileCount: 8 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED dataFileSize: 1024 // THIS APPEARS TO BE IGNORED luns: tempDbDisksLuns defaultFilePath: tempDbPath } } serverConfigurationsManagementSettings: { sqlInstanceSettings:{ collation: 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS' } } } } ``` Deploy command using Azure CLI: ``` az deployment group create ` --name "templatedeploy" ` --resource-group "$resourceGroup" ` --template-file .\template.bicep ` existingVirtualNetworkName="$vnetName" ` existingVnetResourceGroup="$vnetResourceGroup" ` existingSubnetName="$subnetName" ` adminUsername="$adminUsername" ` adminPassword="$adminPassword" ` ``` **Additional Information** This is important for us, as we would like to provision the machines at a smaller size, then eventually scale the machines up when running performance tests on them. Our Production machines have 8 data files for TempDB and 1024MB file size. We're provisioning a new environment with like-for-like Production infrastructure to allow us to run these tests.
Author: MPowellFDB
Assignees: -
Labels: `Needs: Triage :mag:`, `Service Attention`, `SQL - VM`
Milestone: -