Closed robkendrick closed 1 year ago
Update: I actually ended up resolving this by adding a Property Aggregator module. I hate that I had to do this, but for now, it's a cleaner solution than hardcoding/manual iteration on fixed values which would defeat the purpose of a template.
For those interested, here is the updated agPropertyIterator.bicep
// AGPropertyIterator - for generating the iterative properties for each app and/or hostname.
param ruleNumberSeed int = 0 // i*(i+1)*length(app.hostNames) -- This prevents overlapping rule numbers when iterating over iterations.
param app object = {
appName: '(app.appName)'
type: 'web'
domain: '(app.domain)'
hostNames: ['www', 'otherHostName']
instances: 2
probe: '/'
ssl: {
certName: '(app.cert)'
certId: '(Secret URI for certificate in keyVault)'
param appGatewayName string
param appGatewayId string
var suffix = take(toLower(uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)), 10)
var backendAddresses = [for i in range(1, app.instances): {
fqdn: i < 10 ? '${app.appName}0${i}${app.type}${suffix}' : '${app.appName}${i}${app.type}${suffix}'
var backendAddressPools = {
name: '${app.appName}BackendAddresses'
properties: {
backendAddresses: backendAddresses
var backendHttpSettingsCollection = [for hostName in app.hostNames: {
name: 'backendHttpSettings_${hostName}'
properties: {
affinityCookieName: 'cookie_${hostName}'
cookieBasedAffinity: 'Enabled'
hostName: '${hostName}.${app.domain}'
pickHostNameFromBackendAddress: false
port: 443
protocol: 'Https'
requestTimeout: 30
probe: { id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/probes', appGatewayName, 'healthProbe_${hostName}') }
var httpListeners = [for hostName in app.hostNames: {
name: 'httpListener_${hostName}'
properties: {
frontendIPConfiguration: { Id: '${appGatewayId}/frontendIPConfigurations/appGatewayFrontendIP' }
frontendPort: { Id: '${appGatewayId}/frontendPorts/frontEndPort80' }
protocol: 'Http'
hostName: '${hostName}.${app.domain}'
requireServerNameIndication: false
var httpsListeners = [for hostName in app.hostNames: {
name: 'httpsListener_${hostName}'
properties: {
frontendIPConfiguration: { Id: '${appGatewayId}/frontendIPConfigurations/appGatewayFrontendIP' }
frontendPort: { Id: '${appGatewayId}/frontendPorts/frontEndPort443' }
protocol: 'Https'
sslCertificate: { Id: '${appGatewayId}/sslCertificates/${app.ssl.certName}' }
hostName: '${hostName}.${app.domain}'
requireServerNameIndication: true
var httpRequestRoutingRules = [for (hostName,i) in app.hostNames: {
name: 'httpRouting_${hostName}'
properties: {
priority: (i + ruleNumberSeed + 99 )
RuleType: 'Basic'
httpListener: { id: '${appGatewayId}/httpListeners/httpListener_${hostName}' }
redirectConfiguration: { id: '${appGatewayId}/redirectConfigurations/httpsRedirect_${hostName}' }
var httpsRequestRoutingRules = [for (hostName, i) in app.hostNames: {
name: 'httpsRouting_${hostName}'
properties: {
priority: (i + ruleNumberSeed + 500)
RuleType: 'Basic'
httpListener: { id: '${appGatewayId}/httpListeners/httpsListener_${hostName}' }
backendAddressPool: { id: '${appGatewayId}/backendAddressPools/${app.appName}BackendAddresses' }
backendHttpSettings: { id: '${appGatewayId}/backendHttpSettingsCollection/backendHttpSettings_${hostName}' }
var probes = [for (hostName, i) in app.hostNames: {
name: 'healthProbe_${hostName}'
properties: {
protocol: 'Https'
host: '${hostName}.${app.domain}'
path: app.probe
interval: 30
timeout: 30
unhealthyThreshold: 3
pickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings: false
minServers: 0
match: { statusCodes: [ '200' ] }
var redirectConfigurations = [for (hostName, i) in app.hostNames: {
name: 'httpsRedirect_${hostName}'
properties: {
redirectType: 'Permanent'
targetListener: { id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/httpListeners', appGatewayName, 'httpsListener_${hostName}') }
includePath: true
includeQueryString: true
output backendAddresses object = backendAddressPools
output backendSettings array = backendHttpSettingsCollection
output listeners array = concat(httpListeners, httpsListeners)
output probes array = probes
output redirects array = redirectConfigurations
output routingRules array = concat(httpRequestRoutingRules, httpsRequestRoutingRules)
...and here is the agPropertyAggregator.bicep
param backendSettings array
param listeners array
param probes array
param redirects array
param routingRules array
// We cannot flatten() at the start of a for loop, so we must do so here.
output backendHttpSettingsCollection array = flatten(backendSettings)
output httpListeners array = flatten(listeners)
output probes array = flatten(probes)
output redirectConfigurations array = flatten(redirects)
output requestRoutingRules array = flatten(routingRules)
I'm sure there's a cleaner solution to this problem, but for now, this works.
Resource Type
Api Version
Issue Type
Inaccurate property type(s)
Other Notes
Setting up an appGateway (bicep for this is in the "bicep repro" section) for scalablity with multiple apps--each of which have multiple hostnames--requires module deployment; this isn't an issue and was accomplished by setting up a bicep template to iterate over the necessary properties:
However, when deploying, I get the following warnings:
I am unable to set these as output types so they are properly parsed:
I was unable to find any other issues pertaining to this:
Bicep Repro