Open SISIRA-SARU-ABEY opened 1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @antcp, @AzureAppServiceCLI. Please see for troubleshooting help.
Hello Team,
I am also getting the same error.When i try to deploy the bicep script for webapp with node js "runtime-stack".Unable to view the runtime stack with below script.Please let me know if we have any option to update it.
resource azbicepappsp 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2020-12-01' = { name: 'test-bicep-asp' location: 'eastus' sku: { name: 's1' capacity: 1 } }
resource azbicepwebapp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-01-15' = { name: 'test-bicep-webapp' location: 'eastus' properties: { serverFarmId:resourceId('Microsoft.web/serverfarms' , 'test-bicep-asp') siteConfig: { appSettings: [ { name: 'WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION' value: '20.0.0' } ] } } dependsOn:[ azbicepappsp ] }
Resource Type
app service
Api Version
Issue Type
Property(s) do not have expected effect on deployment
Other Notes
How to configure runtime stack for app service in bicep script to create appservice in windows os
I am able to create appservice but run time stack is not reflecting.
I want the runtime stack of web appservice to be Node - ~18 and runtime stack of webapp-api appservice as Dotnetcore
However, what I'm trying to create is more in line with the screenshots I provided below, where I created the app services manually. And I want to create bicep script which will create app services in other environments with the same runtime stack as below:
1661 #1738 #appserviv
Bicep Repro
resource appserviceplan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-09-01' = { name: 'appserviceplan1' location: location sku: { name: 'S1' capacity: 1 } }
resource appserviceapi 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01' = { name: 'appservice-webapp-api1' location: location properties: { serverFarmId: resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', siteConfig: { appSettings: [ { name: 'FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME' value: 'dotnet' } ] } } dependsOn: [ appserviceplan ] }
resource appservice 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01' = { name: 'appservice-webappservice-app1' location: location properties: { serverFarmId: resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', siteConfig: { appSettings: [ { name: 'WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION' value: '~18' } ] } } dependsOn: [ appserviceapi ] }