Azure / bicep

Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources
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Consider defaulting required 'location' to 'resourceGroup().location' #4260

Open pakrym opened 2 years ago

pakrym commented 2 years ago

In a lot of simpler deployment scenarios, customers would want to deploy resource groups and all the resources to be in the same location. It also creates friction for new customers that need to figure out why each resource needs to have its own location and what to set it to.


Default the required 'location' property of resources to 'resourceGroup().location'


resource singleResource 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-06-01' = {
  name: '${name}single-resource-name'
  location: resourceGroup().location


resource singleResource 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-06-01' = {
  name: '${name}single-resource-name'


We can also add an analyzer that prompts users to remove the redundant qualification.

Happy to do the work if you decide this feature is something you are interested in.

alex-frankel commented 2 years ago

In the past, we've discussed the ability to opt-in to specific defaults. I'm not sure it's appropriate to make the default behavior of bicep include a default like this.

It would be interesting if we could have this as a provider setting once we have the ability to configure a provider:

import az {
  defaults: {
    location: resourceGroup().location

import kubernetes {
  defaults: {
    meta: {
      foo: 'bar'
pakrym commented 2 years ago

Do you have some context on why the original decision to make 'location' required for every resource was made by the ARM service team?

alex-frankel commented 2 years ago

I believe it has to do with data sovereignty concerns to ensure that your data for a given resource is stored in a particular geo.

anthony-c-martin commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to point out - there are a few other pieces of underlying complexity to be aware of in particular with location:

pakrym commented 2 years ago

To add another data point, Azure CLI does default the location:

WhitWaldo commented 2 years ago

Throwing another wrench in this, in what I hope is a very limited exception... BackendAddressPools (under Load Balancers) don't list 'location' on the root and hide it within properties.

rynowak commented 2 years ago

@alex-frankel - the kubernetes example is HOT

import kubernetes {
  defaults: {
    metadata: {
     labels:  {
      foo: 'bar'

It would be powerful nice to do something like this with labels as a per-template scope. It maps well to an existing pattern with helm charts. This also would be interesting with tags for ARM resources.

StephenWeatherford commented 2 years ago

Note that I'm implementing one of the TTK rules that resources should use a 'location' parameter instead of resourceGroup().location directly, as a best practice (location: location). All the resource snippets will also now use "location: location" by default. See #2776.