Azure / bicep

Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources
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Looping & Conditionals syntax spec #6

Closed anthony-c-martin closed 4 years ago

anthony-c-martin commented 4 years ago

Proposal - Looping & Conditionals


Resource-Level Looping: Spec

Example of a regular resource with no modifiers:

resource <provider> <type> <identifier>: {

Conditional modifier

resource <provider> <type> <identifier> when <conditional_expression>: {


resource azrm 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2019-10-01' myNic when (deployNic == true): {

The type assigned to the declared <identifier> should be <resource type> | null. This should allow for compile time verification that the user is safely accessing the value with appropriate null checks.

Looping modifier

// element_identifier gives access to the array element or object key
resource <provider> <type> <identifier> for <element_identifier> in <array_expression>: {

// optional index_identifier to get access to a loop index
resource <provider> <type> <identifier> for <element_identifier>, <index_identifier> in <array_expression>: {


// using the range(..) function to create a list of integers
resource azrm 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2019-10-01' myNics for i in range(5): {
  name: 'mynic-${i}'

// using index plus element access
resource azrm 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2019-10-01' myNics for name, i in nicNames: {
  name: name,
  properties: {
    index: i

The type assigned to the declared <identifier> should be an array of the resource being declared.

<loop_identifier> will be assigned access to the item in the current iteration of the loop.

Conditional and Looping modifiers

The MVP will not support both modifiers being combined. If a user wants to combine, they always have the option to use looping with <condition> ? <array_expression> : range(0) to access the same functionality.


Potential future improvements not covered in this spec

Property-Level Looping: Spec


Looping uses a very similar syntax to resource-level looping, and behaves like a map function, where the value generated is written inline, and has access to the item being iterated over. This syntax generates an array of items.

This syntax is valid in any place expecting an expression.

  <property>: for <identifier> in <array_expression> <value_expression>,


  myLoop: for i in range(2) {
    name: i
  myLoop2: for name in names '${prefix}-${name}',


Conditionals use a ternary syntax. This syntax is valid in any place expecting an expression.

  <property>: <conditional_expression> ? <val_a> : <val_b>


bmoore-msft commented 4 years ago

Love it... some thoughts in pseudo-random order...

resource subnets Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets {}


resource subnets /subnets {}

Should work when /subnets is not ambiguous???

resource subnets Microsoft.Network/virutalNetworks/subnets copies subnetPrefixes.length as s {}

I don't love it, but wondering if it has legs

resource subnets[] Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
         for i in subnetPrefixes 
         when newOrExistingVnet == true {

for i in subnetPrefixes batchSize 1

Nit - It would be good to put a “completed” example in the “spec” so we can see the ideas come together, I kept trying that mental exercise as I was parsing this (I'm not great engineer, but I'm a good reverse engineer).

alex-frankel commented 4 years ago

Overall, I'm not in love with the syntax, but I do think it will work. Personally, I feel separating the condition and/or looping statement from the resource declaration helps with readability even though it might be a bit more verbose to author. The syntax feels like I'm writing a SQL query and less like authoring a programming language.

Separating the syntax allows us to cover the "multi-resource" case and the single resource case with one syntax. If we ever do want to support a multi-resource syntax, then we will have two different ways to author conditions and loops.


majastrz commented 4 years ago

The syntax for loops and conditionals builds on a plain resource declaration and I feel like we haven't truly nailed that down yet. Should we look at that first?

@alex-frankel and @bmoore-msft



majastrz commented 4 years ago

Also, should we consider a more imperative-looking but more familiar syntax for loops and conditions? Something like this, for example:

if(condition) {
  for (i, j) in range(10) {
    resource ..............
alex-frankel commented 4 years ago

this is my preference, but I think the challenge with this syntax is how you reference the resource outside of the scope in which it is declared.

At one point we were considering an as syntax:

if (condition) as myCondition {
  for i in range(10) as loop {
    resource myResource ...

so to reference would you do the following?


it gets weird

majastrz commented 4 years ago

Good pt, I remember now.

anthony-c-martin commented 4 years ago

Ignoring the syntax, at a high level I feel like these are the viable options for resource-level looping/conditionals:

  1. Inline with the resource declaration (this proposal) Pros: feels the most readable in the simple case. Cons: could become unreadable if care isn't taken when authoring. extensibility will be difficult to tack on (batching, serial copy mode).

    resource myResource <provider> <type> when (deployMyResource == true): {
  2. Above the resource declaration (e.g. something like C# Attributes) Pros: avoids long lines. extending (e.g. with batching, serial copy mode, whatever) is simple. Cons: could feel unnatural that the condition is separate from the resource.

    @if deployMyResource == true
    resource myResource <provider> <type>: {
  3. Inside the resource body Pros: everything is together, avoids longer lines. Cons: the mixing of 'config' and 'metadata'/'control flow logic' feels potentially confusing.

    resource myResource <provider> <type>: {
    @if: deployMyResource == true
  4. 'imperative-style' but with weird scoping behavior Pros: more familiar at first to an imperative programmer. multiple resources can be declared in the same block. Cons: scoping behavior is unfamiliar and could cause significant confusion. the type system would either have to be robust enough to handle declaration of different resources in different branches with the same identifier, or simply forbid it.

    if (deployMyResource == true) {
    resource myResource <provider> <type>: {
    // myResource can be accessed on the outer scope here
anthony-c-martin commented 4 years ago

Amended spec to:

  1. Remove combining of 'when' and 'for' on a resource.
  2. Add note about future range expression syntax.
anthony-c-martin commented 4 years ago

Putting this on hold for now as it's not going to be part of milestone 0.

majastrz commented 4 years ago

@lwang2016 just added #42 which covers his looping syntax proposal. Linking it here so everyone can see.

lwang2016 commented 4 years ago

Addressed comments from #42 and updated proposal with #45

majastrz commented 4 years ago

Out of @shenglol's (#44) and @lwang2016's (#42 and #45), we have settled on the former for the following reasons:

resource databases: 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2020-03-01' = [for databaseName in databaseNames: {
    name: "${accountName}/{databaseName}",
    kind: "GlobalDocumentDB",
    dependsOn: dbAccount,
    properties: {
        id: databaseName,
        // The same syntax can be reused for array properties.
        someArrayProperty: [for item in collection: {

for item in collection: syntax can also be replaced with for (item, i) in collection: to access the index within the loop body. For full examples, see #44.

bmoore-msft commented 4 years ago

How would I access the counter in a loop with: for database in databaseNames: {} ?

majastrz commented 4 years ago

for (database, i) in databaseNames (last line of my comment above)

majastrz commented 4 years ago

Discussed adding a filtering capability to the looping construct we selected previously. We settled on using the where keyword for this purpose (similar to Where-Object in PowerShell or Where in C#) Here's an example that also demonstrates referencing identifiers from the parent loop in the inner loop:

resource listOfStuff '...' = [for thing in stuff where (thing.enabled) {
  properties: {
    listOfOtherStuff: [for otherThing in thing.otherStuff where (thing.enabled && otherThing.enabled) {


@alex-frankel brought up a point that our resource declarations are getting long. We may need to allow the user to format them however they see fit without enforcing a specific format.

Also discussed the condition syntax. There are limitations in the IL that prevent us from compiling a complex if/else construct when combined with a reference() function, so we will keep things simple to start with. The initial public release will use the when syntax without support for else orelse when capabilities. We will add more complex constructs in the future as the language evolves and as we improve the capabilities of the IL. The more advanced capabilities of @lwang2016's proposal or @shenglol's switch proposal will be reconsidered then.

We have also decided that a conditional resource symbol whose condition is false will have an undefined value. We discussed what happens when a property of a such a resource is declared in another resource. It is clear that we will generate a dependsOn in the JSON automatically, but we will not automatically propagate the condition to all resources. The side effect of this that we may not be able to catch all type errors at compile-time and some will get deferred to runtime.

For example, given resource foo 'Microsoft.Example/examples@2020-06-01' when (condition) = {}, is of type Microsoft.Example/examples@2020-06-01 | undefined without knowing the value of condition. If is assigned to a string property, then we cannot really generate an error or a warning because we don't know the type in practice unless we introduce some operator to override the warning easily (similar to how C# nullability uses the ! operator).

majastrz commented 4 years ago

@alex-frankel, @marcre, @shenglol please add more comments if I missed anything from the meeting.

majastrz commented 4 years ago

Created #61 to update the language spec in the repo.

majastrz commented 4 years ago

Closing this as #61 was merged.