Azure / bicep

Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources
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Bicep Create Private Endpoint+NIC with complete mode deployment #6810

Closed kovalsky-tmz closed 2 years ago

kovalsky-tmz commented 2 years ago

Hello, Im stuck on complete mode deployment of privateEndpoint, even if I try to deploy it first time, bicep creates it correctly but then trying to remove NIC with no reason and ofc it cant remove it because it's connected to private endpoint. In privateEndpoint resource Im using 'customNetworkInterfaceName' but with auto generate NIC name result is the same.

resource privateEndpoints 'Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints@2021-05-01' =[for i in range(0, length(sites)): {
  name: replace(siteResource[i].name, '-api-', '-privend-api-')
  location: location
  properties: {
    customNetworkInterfaceName: nicArr[i]
    privateLinkServiceConnections: [
        name: replace(siteResource[i].name, '-api-', '-privend-api-')
        properties: {
          privateLinkServiceId: siteResource[i].id
          groupIds: [
    manualPrivateLinkServiceConnections: []
    subnet: {
      id: resourceId(rgNetworkName,'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', vnetNameVar, privateEndpointSubnet) 


privateEndpoints resource is a part of entire module which Ive got in base template

module appSvcModule  'modules/appSvc.bicep' = if (apiAppDeploy) {
  name: 'appSvcDeploy'
  dependsOn: [


'template' events: image

Any idea for workaround on that? Thanks

alex-frankel commented 2 years ago

I think this is a limitation in the design of complete mode, but should be addressed with deployment stacks which is now in private preview. cc @bmoore-msft as FYI

kovalsky-tmz commented 2 years ago

so I understand that it's not possible to maintain IAAC private endpoints with NICs in Complete mode ?

alex-frankel commented 2 years ago

Yes. If there is a NIC getting automatically created on your behalf in the same RG as these other resources, then a complete mode deployment will attempt to delete that NIC on a redeployment because it is not declared in the bicep code. IOW, it is by design. This is one of many limitations of complete mode and why we are investing in Deployment Stacks to duplicate and extend the functionality of Complete mode, without the drawbacks.

kovalsky-tmz commented 2 years ago

@alex-frankel thanks for your help and informations.

bmoore-msft commented 2 years ago

@kowal20x7 - In general I don't think we ever recommend complete mode - there are too many latent behaviors. TL;DR deploymentStacks will only attempt to clean up resources that are in the template. So will help with this particular scenario, the flip side is that if the nic is implicitly created (i.e. not explicitly defined in the template) the stack will not clean it up even if you wanted it to... slightly separate issue, point being I'm interested in your scenario if it's related somehow...

kovalsky-tmz commented 2 years ago

@bmoore-msft yes that's exactly what I would need, to 'ignore' the resource (NIC in this case) from deletion while other resources will be deleted/modified if I wanted. I tried with 'Lock' on Resource but unfortunatelly Complete deployment return error because is trying to remove it anyway. Currently in my case I see that I need to move private endpoints with NICs to separate resource group and never use Complete mode there.

NSimpragaVolur commented 1 year ago

Just ran into this same issue! I feel like Complete mode is much better in terms of keeping the infrastructure clean and without any loose ends, but this is a major drawback. Basically any infra using private endpoints is unusable with 'Complete' deployment mode. Following this

straville commented 1 year ago

We've run into this issue as well and I've been scratching my head a couple of days. This doesn't feel like enterprise-grade IaC solution..

At some point I was investigating option to define the whole NIC in Bicep and simply pass that as property to the private endpoint being deployed, but it seems NIC creation is fully automatic and only PE's NIC name can be customized.

Will examine deployment stacks, but the situation isn't really acceptable.

dazinator commented 1 year ago

I opened a support ticket for this issues with Azure support. No one there has yet been able to confirm whether this is a problem - in fact it's been weeks just trying to get someone who can understand the issue at all. There is no documentation of this issue aside from this github issue, so if it is a known issue that will be addresses in future it would be great if this issue could perhaps be highlighted:-

  1. On the bicep "microsoft learn" learning module when discussing deployment modes.
  2. On the documentation for deploying Private endpoints:
jegadeesan-ponnusamy commented 1 year ago

I am facing the same issue with biceps, NIC and Private endpoints with complete mode deployment. The status of this issue is closed, but I couldnt find a solution or a workaround for this issue. Do anyone point me to the solution or workaround on this issue?

brwilkinson commented 1 year ago


The reason it was Closed was because Complete Mode is known to be an incomplete solution for managing lifecycle. i.e. this was closed, with "will not fix" or "not planned". In the meantime, the recommendation would be to not use complete mode, given it's known limitations.

The new Deployment Stacks capability is currently being worked on/developed, which will be a more robust solution.

jegadeesan-ponnusamy commented 1 year ago

@brwilkinson - Thank you for your inputs. I will wait for your findings. Also, I am already handling the scenario mentioned in az#1511.

dazinator commented 1 year ago

The reason it was Closed was because Complete Mode is known to be an incomplete solution for managing lifecycle. i.e. this was closed, with "will not fix" or "not planned". In the meantime, the recommendation would be to not use complete mode, given it's known limitations.

The new Deployment Stacks capability is currently being worked on/developed, which will be a more robust solution.

  • I will do some testing on the scenario that you are hitting and see if I can come up with any workaround for complete mode that might cover this.

@brwilkinson It has been confirmed that the new deployment stacks will not solve this issue completely either. I have yet to conduxt a test. What makes you think deployment stack will fix it? I am thinking if the nic is not in the stack then if you deleted the stack it would either leave an orphaned nic, or would fail as the nic is in use.

brwilkinson commented 1 year ago

@dazinator agree. Will have to test.

kolendomichal commented 1 year ago

@brwilkinson Did you manage to test out this scenario? We have hit the exact same issue when trying to move our deployments to Complete mode :/