Azure / cli

Automate your GitHub workflows using Azure CLI scripts
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"docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase." #106

Closed ratmie closed 11 months ago

ratmie commented 1 year ago


I'm encountering an issue when trying to execute the following Azure CLI command through a GitHub Action:

az storage blob delete-batch --account-name mystorageaccount --source '$web' --auth-mode key

The error message I receive is:

Error: docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase.

Steps to Reproduce:

Execute the Azure CLI command (mentioned above) in a GitHub Action. This error is consistently reproducible every time the action is run. However, interestingly, when the exact same action content is copied to another action, the error does not occur.

Expected Behavior:

The command should execute successfully without the "docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase" error.

Additional Information:

I'm using the latest version of Azure CLI as of the date of this issue. This error only occurs with this particular GitHub Action and not when running the Azure CLI command elsewhere. I would appreciate any help in resolving this issue. Thanks in advance!

MoChilia commented 1 year ago

Hi @ratmie, this is a known issue when the user is trying to pass environment variables with quotes to Azure/cli and we have already prepared a fix to this scenario. See Could you please check if this applies to you?

MoChilia commented 1 year ago

@ratmie, the fix has been merged to the master branch. To check if your issue has been resolved, please switch to azure/cli@master.