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Add docker.sock mapping for linux agents #152

Open plotzwi-eq opened 3 weeks ago

plotzwi-eq commented 3 weeks ago

Currently it's not possible to fully utilize az acr commands, because the action is running inside container. Adding docker socket mapping could solve this. For now for example I can't use az acr login command. I know I can use it with --expose-token, export it to variable and login with docker action, but it seems more like a workaround than an actual solution.

MoChilia commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @plotzwi-eq, you're right, running az acr login in azure/cli is limited, because it requires calling the Docker CLI. But mapping the Docker socket inside a container is not recommended due to potential security risks (see for more information).

Instead, you can consider using the GitHub action for ACR login available at