Azure / cosmos-explorer

UI for Azure Cosmos DB. Powers the Azure Portal,, and the Cosmos DB Emulator
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Culture Configuration in Azure Cosmos DB Emulator #1860

Open Florent-LAVAUD opened 1 month ago

Florent-LAVAUD commented 1 month ago


I am reaching out to seek your assistance regarding an issue I am encountering with the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator.

Problem Description

I am developing a .NET application using Azure Cosmos DB, and when executing Gremlin queries on the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator locally, I encounter the following error:

Gremlin query syntax error: Unable to parse decimal literal.

This error occurs when executing a query containing a decimal number, for example: .property('field1$.field2', 2.2). After several investigations, it seems that this error is related to the emulator's culture configuration, specifically how decimal numbers are interpreted. My development environment uses the French culture, which uses a comma (,) as the decimal separator instead of a period (.).

Technical Details

Actions Taken

By changing my system's regional settings to en-US, I was able to confirm that the issue is indeed related to the application's culture, as the exception no longer occurs in this configuration. However, I wish to keep my system in French.

To address this issue, I attempted to add the following line in my emulator startup script:


However, for the past few months, adding this line has completely prevented the emulator from starting.

Here's my full script :

# Set culture to en-US for this session
# this is not working either, the exception is still thrown
# $env:LC_ALL = "en-US"
# $env:LANG = "en-US"

# With this setting, the emulator not start properly

Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Azure Cosmos DB Emulator\PSModules\Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Emulator"

$startEmulatorCmd = "Start-CosmosDbEmulator -EnableGremlin"

Invoke-Expression -Command $startEmulatorCmd

Request for Assistance

Could you please advise if there is a method to configure the specific culture of the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator so that it uses a period (.) as the decimal separator, without affecting other applications on my system?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Florent-LAVAUD commented 2 weeks ago


I would like to add an additional point. I reinstalled version 2.14.12 of the emulator, and with this version, the problem does not occur. By adding the following line to my startup script:


the emulator starts correctly, and the numbers are in US format.

Please take this additional information into account.

Best regards,