Provisioning version cyclecloud-gridengine 2.0.13 fails on a RHEL scheduler due to the scheduler.rb file line 32 where it tries to install the epel-release package. Jetpack.log error messages:
2022-09-12 18:16:48,120 ERROR Software configuration failed: Chef::Exceptions::Package: yum_package[epel-release] (gridengine::scheduler line 32) had an error: Chef::Exceptions::Package: No candidate version available for epel-release
2022-09-12 18:16:48,120 ERROR Recommendation: Review local log files on the VM at /opt/cycle/jetpack/logs
The prior change to this file for almalinux support changed the switch from 'centos' to 'rhel'. In moving from version 2.0.11 to 2.0.12+ this code now executes on a rhel VM whereas previously it was disabled. However, to install the EPEL repos on Red Hat the repository must be added manually instead of installing the epel-release package as in Alma/CentOS/Rocky.
Cluster Information:
cyclecloud-gridengine version: 2.0.13
scheduler image: RedHat:RHEL:7_9:latest
gridengine version: 2011.11j (DRMAA Java API added)
base template: altair-grid-engine (we are using a customized template built off the base altair template)
Provisioning version cyclecloud-gridengine 2.0.13 fails on a RHEL scheduler due to the scheduler.rb file line 32 where it tries to install the epel-release package. Jetpack.log error messages:
The prior change to this file for almalinux support changed the switch from 'centos' to 'rhel'. In moving from version 2.0.11 to 2.0.12+ this code now executes on a rhel VM whereas previously it was disabled. However, to install the EPEL repos on Red Hat the repository must be added manually instead of installing the epel-release package as in Alma/CentOS/Rocky.
Cluster Information: cyclecloud-gridengine version: 2.0.13 scheduler image: RedHat:RHEL:7_9:latest gridengine version: 2011.11j (DRMAA Java API added) base template: altair-grid-engine (we are using a customized template built off the base altair template)