Azure / cyclecloud-slurm

Azure CycleCloud project to enable users to create, configure, and use Slurm HPC clusters.
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Replace alien to create debian packages in Slurm 23.11.0+ #217

Closed themorey closed 4 months ago

themorey commented 4 months ago

Alien is currently used to make the CC Slurm debian packages from rpms. Bulding of debian packages is now supported by SchedMD and can replace alien in the build scripts.

Buildilng Debian Packages

Beginning with Slurm 23.11.0, Slurm includes the files required to build Debian packages. These packages conflict with the packages shipped with Debian based distributions, and are named distinctly to differentiate them. After downloading the desired version of Slurm, the following can be done to build the packages:

Install basic Debian package build requirements: apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts Unpack the distributed tarball: tar -xaf slurm*tar.bz2 cd to the directory containing the Slurm source Install the Slurm package dependencies: mk-build-deps -i debian/control Build the Slurm packages: debuild -b -uc -us

The packages will be in the parent directory after debuild completes.

aditigaur4 commented 4 months ago

Hello we have no longer been using alien to build slurm packages since 3.0.4. We build slurm packages through the debian packaging system in ADO pipelines and publish them to PMC. Slurm's debian packaging has been only available since 23.11 onwards but we built our own debian build scripts for 22.05.10 and 23.02 versions. But for newer slurm version we will be using slurm's debian packaging.

The build scripts in this repo are a bit old and will be removed shortly.