Azure / data-landing-zone

Template to deploy a single Data Landing Zone of the Data Management & Analytics Scenario (former Enterprise-Scale Analytics). The Data Landing Zone is a logical construct and a unit of scale in the architecture that enables data retention and execution of data workloads for generating insights and value with data.
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Documentation: Overall Architectural Overview #239

Open gamullen opened 2 years ago

gamullen commented 2 years ago

Documentation Issue

This project looks very promising, but by reading the documentation (maybe I'm missing something) I can't figure out a number of important items:

Thanks, Gary

Code of Conduct

vanwinkelseppe commented 1 year ago

Hey @gamullen

This repository will only deploy the 'data-landing-zone'. This is not be confused with a traditional landing zone. This repository together with the 'data-management-zone' is part of the Cloud Scale Analytics part of the cloud adoption framework (

When deploying the management zone, it can be plugged into an existing 'hub/spoke' topology of platform subscriptions, as you mention.

You should be able to find how everything fits together on here:

What this specific example deploys is listed in the prerequisites.