Azure / deployment-environments

Sample infrastructure-as-code templates to get started with Azure Deployment Environments service.
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[Developer Portal] How many parameters can an environment have? #7

Closed nhvduy closed 1 year ago

nhvduy commented 1 year ago

Hi Team,

When creating environment with parameter inputed from developer portal, the provisioning task finish with 4 parameters. When I add 1 more (5 params) I always get error message and not know what the rootcause is. image

I think it can be the limitation of allowing only 4 parameters. there is no error if I use Azure CLI.


j-rewerts commented 1 year ago

Hey @nhvduy! Thanks for reaching out.

So first off regarding that error message, it was fixed last week and we should have the fix rolling out this week. That means we should get slightly better information when things like this happens.

This error is thrown when the parameters that are provided don't match up with what is defined in the manifest.yaml file. The added info about this working in the CLI is interesting though. Do you think it's possible the new parameter isn't being mapped to the correct type? Any chance you could share an example of your az devcenter dev environment create call you used to compare?

nhvduy commented 1 year ago

Hi @j-rewerts

Thanks for your promptly response. I tried with more simple ARM template and I could make it work. I told my co-worker to double check his template and we found out an interesting thing. If we specify a parameter in manifest file as Required and that parameter has default value, then in devportal we have to change its value unless we get the error message. Please close this issue. Thanks

j-rewerts commented 1 year ago

Ah yes, default and required don't work well together at all right now. We're considering blocking creation of catalog items that have params defined that are required and default.