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Add support for multiple project azds debug configuration on vscode extension #120

Closed feroz-ahmmed closed 5 years ago

feroz-ahmmed commented 5 years ago

I have a dotnet solution with multiple projects under it. service.sln --> service.API.csproj --> sevice.Model.csproj

How do I crate initial templates for azds for this?

ynambiar commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your question @feroz-ahmmed!

Assuming you've enabled the Azure Dev Spaces extension for VS Code, you should be able to prep the second project by following these steps:

Hope this works for you!

feroz-ahmmed commented 5 years ago

@ynambiar , I only need azds configuration for service.API project. But this project have reference of service.Model project. My problem is the auto generated files (i.e - Dockerfile) are not considering the referenced projects. I also intend to have support for remote debugging as well on launch configuration for vscode such that I can have my debugger attached on both of my projects.

feroz-ahmmed commented 5 years ago

@ynambiar , It looks like visual studio 2017 is doing everything perfectly with their extension for kubernetes as we have the context of a solution there. But vscode is being a bit naive here.

ynambiar commented 5 years ago

@feroz-ahmmed, that makes sense. We are actually working on this feature now and will update here when it's in production. Thanks!

robertjf commented 5 years ago

@ynambiar I've been looking into this issue as well - is it possible to have the tooling for VS Code generate the launch and tasks in .vscode from a Solution instead of a project? It seems like a logical thing to do for me. When I try to prep the primary project (sitting in a sub directory) it creates the azds.yaml and docker.develop files, but doesn't go far enough to create the debug configuration. I've tried manually creating it from the sample project setup, and have had to tweak the docker.develop file as well, but am stuck with the paths I think - I get the following error after it's succesfully created the docker image:

Starting: "azds" exec --interactive --on-exit-resume-up --verbose -- /vsdbg/vsdbg --interpreter=vscode
Error from pipe program 'azds': No such file or directory

UPDATE: I found the issue - for some reason vsdbg wasn't installed in the image - I had to add the following to my Docker.develop file:

RUN apt update && \
    apt install unzip && \
    curl -sSL | /bin/sh /dev/stdin -v latest -l /vsdbg

My custom docker.develop file now looks like this:


RUN apt update && \
    apt install unzip && \
    curl -sSL | /bin/sh /dev/stdin -v latest -l /vsdbg

COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.API", "AddressBook.API/"]
COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Infrastructure", "AddressBook.Infrastructure/"]
COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Domain", "AddressBook.Domain/"]
COPY ["nuget.develop.config", "AddressBook.API/"]

WORKDIR /src/AddressBook.API
RUN dotnet restore AddressBook.API.csproj --configfile nuget.develop.config

WORKDIR /src/AddressBook.API

RUN dotnet build --no-restore -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "run", "--no-build", "--no-launch-profile", "-c", "$BUILD_CONFIGURATION", "--"]

This is loosely based on the eShopOnContainers reference project here:

So now the question is, why is vsdbg not installed by default in my image, while the sample "mywebapi" project works just fine?

daniv-msft commented 5 years ago

As of today, the easiest way to make solutions work with our VS Code extension is to open its projects as workspaces in Visual Studio Code. That way, it is possible to prep and debug them in a somewhat similar way as what we would have with a solution. Please note though that we don't handle well upgrades of azds.yaml files in multi-workspaces scenarios, which may cause confusion. We have a fix for this, that will be released in the coming days.

@robertjf Regarding your question about vsdbg, I will let other persons knowing more about this answer.

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf when you have the 'vsdbg' problem with VSCode, there should be a 'azds' process running on your machine, and the command line argument looks something like 'azds daemon ...'. What is the full command line argument for that process? If you are using Windows, go to 'Task Manager' and look for 'azds.exe' processes, one of them should have argument 'azds.exe daemon ...'. If you are using Mac, do 'ps aux | grep azds'. Thanks!

robertjf commented 5 years ago

@xinyanmsft I managed to get it working by setting the VS Code workspace to the API project directory and running the >Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces command from there - everything worked out of the box, all I had to do was delete the generated charts directory as I'm using charts from a different repository and have already set up the azds.yaml file for that.

The problem I have with this approach is that I lose visibility on the supporting project source code. My solution structure is as follows:

- AddressBook.API
    |   AddressBook.sln
    + src
        + Services
            + AddressBook
                + AddressBook.API
                |   azds.yaml
                |   AddressBook.API.csproj
                |   Dockerfile.develop
                |   nuget.develop.config
                + AddressBook.Infrastructure
                |   AddressBook.Infrastructure.csproj
                + AddressBook.Domain
                |   AddressBook.Domain.csproj

Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the workspace mirror this structure and still be able to debug the AddressBook.API project as the entry point.

For reference, my azds.yaml and Dockerfile.develop currently look like this (loosely based on the eShopOnContainers solution):

kind: helm-release
apiVersion: 1.1
  context: ../../../../
  dockerfile: Dockerfile
  chart: ../../../../../HelmCharts/charts/addressbook-api
    replicaCount: 1
      tag: $(tag)
      pullPolicy: Never
      annotations: traefik-azds
      - $(spacePrefix)$(rootSpacePrefix)medipulse$(hostSuffix)
        dns: $(spacePrefix)$(rootSpacePrefix)medipulse$(hostSuffix)
  - ../../../../../HelmCharts/charts/inf.yaml
  - ../../../../../HelmCharts/charts/app.yaml
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.develop
      useGitIgnore: true
      - “!nuget.develop.config”
      - '**/Pages/**'
      - '**/Views/**'
      - '**/wwwroot/**'
      - '!**/*.{sln,csproj}'
      command: [dotnet, run, --no-restore, --no-build, --no-launch-profile, -c, "${BUILD_CONFIGURATION:-Debug}"]
        processesToKill: [dotnet, vsdbg, addressbook]
        - [dotnet, build, --no-restore, -c, "${BUILD_CONFIGURATION:-Debug}"]

#RUN apt update && \
#    apt install unzip && \
#    curl -sSL | /bin/sh /dev/stdin -v latest -l /vsdbg

COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.API", "AddressBook.API/"]
COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Infrastructure", "AddressBook.Infrastructure/"]
COPY ["src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Domain", "AddressBook.Domain/"]

WORKDIR /src/AddressBook.API
RUN dotnet restore AddressBook.API.csproj --configfile nuget.develop.config

RUN dotnet build --no-restore -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "run", "--no-build", "--no-launch-profile", "-c", "$BUILD_CONFIGURATION", "--"]

I've commented out the command to install vsdbg as it's now working correctly in this configuration.

I also noticed that since getting this running at the project level, if I go back to my solution-level Workspace, it now also works with one exception - the debugger launches properly, and azds properly syncs and connects to the dev space; however there is no related Output log I can go to inspect the services and their respective urls:

Available output log options

So not really sure what's changed other than configuring azds at the project level; and I can't replicate the errors I was getting before at the solution level.

For reference, here's my launch and task at the solution level:


   "version": "0.2.0",
   "configurations": [
           "name": ".NET Core Launch (AZDS)",
           "type": "coreclr",
           "request": "launch",
           "preLaunchTask": "azds: prelaunch",
           "pipeTransport": {
               "pipeCwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.API/",
               "pipeProgram": "azds",
               "pipeArgs": [
               "debuggerPath": "/vsdbg/vsdbg",
               "quoteArgs": false
           "cwd": "/src/AddressBook.API/",
           "program": "/src/AddressBook.API/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/AddressBook.API.dll",
           "sourceFileMap": {
               "/src": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Services/AddressBook/."


    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "azds: prelaunch",
            "command": "azds",
            "args": [
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.API/"
            "problemMatcher": "$msCompile"

Edit: as part of the debugging, I updated the azds version using az aks use-dev-spaces --update - I'm wondering whether that has fixed the problem with having the workspace at the solution level?

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf from your description, it doesn't look like the VSCode extension for DevSpaces is working as intended. I am very curious how you setup your workspaces in VSCode. Here's how I work:

  1. In VSCode, open directory src\AddressBook\AddressBook.API.
  2. In VSCode, 'Save Workspace As', create something like src\AddressBook\myapp.code-workspace
  3. In VSCode, use "add workspace folder", add directory src\AddressBook\AddressBook.Infrastructure and src\AddressBook\AddressBook.Domain. Save workspace.

This will create a workspace that contains all of your code. Then I select "Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces" command, select the src\AddressBook\AddressBook.API project, let it generate the launch.json and tasks.json for AddressBook.API project.

During debug launch, I will select the one 'Launch Server (AZDS) (AddressBook.API)' and it should work properly.

robertjf commented 5 years ago

That's what I've done to get it working - the only difference is that I already had custom azds.yaml and dockerfile.develop files (derived from eShopOnContainers) and my charts are sitting in a different directory; but all I had to do was delete the charts directory that was generated when I ran "Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces" (it left the azds.yaml and dockerfile.develop alone).

My only problem now is that the Dev Spaces log is not available anymore that displays the urls.

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf Do you have multiple instances of VSCode running at the same time? There is a case if 2 VSCode instances both open src\AddressBook\AddressBook.API, one of them may not see the log.

robertjf commented 5 years ago

Aha - I do use multiple instances constantly. Will do some tests and see if it makes a difference

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf please let us know what you find. Limiting to a single VSCode instance should resolve your issue. In the meantime I will create a work item in DevSpaces to address multi-instances VSCode scenario.

robertjf commented 5 years ago

@xinyanmsft I closed down all instances (there was only one running) and re-opened VSCode - I then closed the folder and temporary workspace that came up so I had a single empty VSCode window and loaded the AddressBook.API workspace, but still no logs. It seems the log is completely missing.

I've just noticed also that the workspace was at the solution level, not the project level. At this level, there is no azds log.

I then opened up the sample mywebapi project (it already has the bootstrapped dev spaces files with no modification) and went into debug - the log shows up in this instance.

So I then just opened the folder containing the API project instead of the workspace - I had to run the "Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces" command again, and when I go to debug (I had to modify the launch command so it mapped the source and found the dll properly) the azds log shows up.

So it appears that it's reliant on being in the starting project folder. My problem then is that this solution uses multiple projects and I need to be able to browse the code in the other projects to set breakpoints etc.

Another point - when I open the project directory with the dev spaces initialised, I'm greeted with

Azure Dev Spaces CLI

API v3.2

Azure Dev Spaces daemon started.

in the logs. If I then switch to the workspace at the solution level without closing VS Code, the log disappears. But then I suppose VS Code is reloading everything in this case.

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf I think the temporary workspace is what make things broken. Can you save the workspace, from VSCode do 'Close Folder' or 'Close Workspace', and quit VSCode? Then open VSCode (make sure it's empty) and open that workspace? VSCode will start new instances when transitioning from temporary workspace to folder or another workspace.

robertjf commented 5 years ago

Hi @xinyanmsft the temporary workspace in the Project Folder worked fine, but the saved one in the solution directory didn't.

When I saved the project workspace and closed it, then quit VSCode and restarted it, I then opened the original workspace at the solution level and tried to debug - I received this error again:

> Executing task in folder AddressBook.API: azds up --await-exec --keep-alive <

Could not locate an applicable session to keep ports and file synchronization alive. If calling from a tool with built-in support for Azure Dev Spaces, restart the tool.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

I tried to do a ps aux | grep azds but nothing showed up, so clearly the azds daemon isn't running (none of the azds.yaml, dockerfile.develop, etc. files are in the root of this workspace so I'm gathering this is relatively normal.)

I then closed the workspace and shutdown VS Code again to get a clean start, and opened the project-level workspace. This time, ps aux | grep azds gave me the following:

Gandalfpellbook:AddressBook.API rob$ ps aux | grep azds
rob               3096   0.0  0.0  4408328    928 s001  S+   11:26am   0:00.00 grep azds
rob               3035   0.0  0.2  7677544  58348   ??  Ss   11:26am   0:01.15 azds daemon --ppid 3024 --import azds/azds-vsdbg:15.4@/vsdbg:/vsdbg
Gandalfpellbook:AddressBook.API rob$ 

Without closing the project-level workspace, I opened up the solution level one in another VS Code window and was successfully able to run the debugger.

feroz-ahmmed commented 5 years ago

@robertjf from your description, it doesn't look like the VSCode extension for DevSpaces is working as intended. I am very curious how you setup your workspaces in VSCode. Here's how I work:

  1. In VSCode, open directory src\AddressBook\AddressBook.API.
  2. In VSCode, 'Save Workspace As', create something like src\AddressBook\myapp.code-workspace
  3. In VSCode, use "add workspace folder", add directory src\AddressBook\AddressBook.Infrastructure and src\AddressBook\AddressBook.Domain. Save workspace.

This will create a workspace that contains all of your code. Then I select "Azure Dev Spaces: Prepare configuration files for Azure Dev Spaces" command, select the src\AddressBook\AddressBook.API project, let it generate the launch.json and tasks.json for AddressBook.API project.

During debug launch, I will select the one 'Launch Server (AZDS) (AddressBook.API)' and it should work properly.

hi @xinyanmsft, followed your steps. But the auto generated files from dev spaces command still same.

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf @feroz-ahmmed sorry the VSCode extension is having problem with workspace enabled. Here is a work around for this issue.

  1. Quit / Close all VSCode windows. Make sure no 'azds' process is running.
  2. Open a console terminal, go to the directory where 'azds.yaml' file exists. Run this command (if it's a C# project) azds daemon --import azds/azds-vsdbg:15.3@/vsdbg:/vsdbg or (if it's a node project) azds daemon or (if it's a Java project) azds daemon --import azuredevjava/javadebug:0.2.2@/javadebug:/javadebug
  3. Continue using VSCode. The output will come from this console window. You need to manually terminate the 'azds daemon' process once you've closed VSCode.

We will start fixing the problem as soon as possible.

robertjf commented 5 years ago

thanks @xinyanmsft - look forward to a progress update.

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf we are working on fixing this issue. to make sure we are working on the right problem, can you help me collect some client logs? please:

  1. DevSpaces client logs are saved under $TMPDIR/Azure Dev Spaces/ folder. Kill all existing 'azds' processes, clean this directory.
  2. Reproduce this bug. Then close all VSCode instances, and verify all 'azds' process are terminated.
  3. Send ( all the log files under $TMPDIR/Azure Dev Spaces folder. Thanks very much!
robertjf commented 5 years ago

@xinyanmsft can you tell me where to find the log files on OSX perhaps?

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

in OSX, the directory is $TMPDIR/Azure\ Dev\ Spaces on my machine, this expands to:

/var/folders/bd/2cvhy2894kq1fsxnr6fms40000gn/T/Azure Dev Spaces

robertjf commented 5 years ago

@xinyanmsft logs attached... I ran this from the Solution directory as mentioned above ( - let me know what other tests you would like me to do...

xinyanmsft commented 5 years ago

@robertjf from your log, it seems DevSpaces VSCode extension didn't launch the daemon process. The VSCode extension looks at the current directory for 'azds.yaml' file, and launch the daemon process if that file exists. In this case, if you open VSCode on the solution directory, it doesn't have azds.yaml file and thus will fail to debug. I don't know how you have launch.json file at the solution level, but it seems to be the problem. In another word, in your launch.json, pipeTransport.pipeCwd should always be "${workspaceFolder}". Here is what I think the VSCode files (app.code-workspace, .vscode/launch.json, .vscode/tasks.json) should be:

And the content of app.code-workspace is something like:

{ "folders": [ { "path": "src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.API" }, { "path": "src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Infrastructure" }, { "path": "src/Services/AddressBook/AddressBook.Domain" } ] }

If the above setup does not work, can you please share the logs again? we recently fixed an issue that could impact this area (available to public in roughly 2 weeks), I want to confirm that will work for you. Thanks!

robertjf commented 5 years ago

hi @xinyanmsft that's worked a treat - I had to modify the launch.json cwd and program parameters to match the docker image file structure but all good apart from that.

rdbartram commented 4 years ago

@robertjf did you get this working with breakpoints in your dependent projects. I created a workspace with all the projects added individually...I can now debug the main app and add breakpoints in that project...the sub project breakpoints aren't picked up though in the debug session and are just ignored :(

robertjf commented 4 years ago

@rdbartram I haven't tried for a while tbh, most of the team use Visual Studio, I'm the only one really that uses vscode...