Azure / diagnostics-correlation

Microsoft Diagnostics Correlation
MIT License
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When will the new version or the current version will be released #5

Closed keerthinath-ganjam closed 6 years ago

keerthinath-ganjam commented 6 years ago

When will the new version or the current version will be released

lmolkova commented 6 years ago

@keerthinath-ganjam this repo is abandoned.

There is a new solution integrated now in .NET Core 2.0 (but you may use it on other versions and flavors) and gives you the way to correlate your traces and restore causality between them.

Please check new Actiity class in .NET. It works together with DiagnosticSource.

HttpClient in .NET Core is instrumented with DiagnosticSource and Activity. Here is a HTTP diagnostics guide in .net core 2.0

Asp.Net Core on incoming boundary is also instrumented with DiagnosticSource and Activity.

ApplicationInsights SDKs for .NET now use this API and instrumentation and natively support correlation with no code modification on .net core and .net full framework.

keerthinath-ganjam commented 6 years ago

@lmolkova - You mean to say that if i update the latest App Insight nugets In any of the app (.NetCore 1.1 or MVC or WEBAPI) the correlation b/w the applications??

lmolkova commented 6 years ago

Yes, if you update AppInsights SDKs to the latest available, you would get end-to-end tracing with correlated telemetry across your stack (as long as your apps communicated over HTTP).