Azure / draft-classic

A tool for developers to create cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.
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Is there any way return deis model #834

Open sneerin opened 6 years ago

sneerin commented 6 years ago

With all new changes, is not usable, it ads so many complexities comparing to deis, and also run's slow locally :(

squillace commented 5 years ago

Curious about this; it runs lightning fast for me, but of course running in the cloud is great, too. I'm taking it to be that you just want it to build in the cloud because that's easier/faster?

sneerin commented 5 years ago

just to avoid extra moving parts and make it faster. If you're using compiled language e.g. scala, java, c# you mostly like equipped with the powerful machine, but if you're a web developer you're fine with something not really powerful. It's nice to build it elsewhere. Also developer don't need to have all the stuff installed just kubectl and you have all the cluster resources locally with kubeproxy and port forward.

squillace commented 5 years ago

completely understood. We definitely want that model to work for you as well, but haven't gotten there. The move local makes minikube extremely fast; but if you have some time, could you try using the ACR builder to do your work in the cloud, while your coding happens locally? Here's the link to take a shot at it.

It's our intention to enable you to choose the model that suits you. We haven't gotten there yet, of course.

bacongobbler commented 5 years ago

Project feedback is always welcome :)

In the interest of closing tickets, are there any particular action items which we can address here, or just giving general feedback on the project? If it's feedback, then perhaps it would be better to move the conversation over to Slack/email so we can keep the issue queue focused on bugs/features.

How does that sound to you?