Azure / draft-classic

A tool for developers to create cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.
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How to get draft to recognize a new pack #880

Open XanderM1960 opened 5 years ago

XanderM1960 commented 5 years ago

Followed the below instructions:

$ cd $(draft home)/packs
$ mkdir python
$ cd python
$ helm create chart
Creating chart
$ echo "FROM python" > Dockerfile

But when I do draft create --pack python it cannot find the pack. I've also played with draft pack-repo add … but it either says "existing repo" or "cannot determine vcs".

How do I get started with my own packs?

XanderM1960 commented 5 years ago

For this draft version, Windows 10:

&version.Version{SemVer:"v0.16.0", GitCommit:"5433afea1421810ae9d828631d8651de913b347a", GitTreeState:"dirty"}

The solution is (for best results):

$ cd $(draft home)/packs
$ mkdir
$ cd
$ mkdir packs
$ cd packs
$ helm create python
Creating chart
$ cd python
$ move Chart.yaml charts/
$ echo "FROM python" > Dockerfile