Azure / draft

A day 0 tool for getting your app on k8s fast
MIT License
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What do you like about Draft? Does it help you accomplish your goals? #140

Open qpetraroia opened 1 year ago

qpetraroia commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone!

It has been a couple months since the preview of Draft has been released, we would love to hear from you! A couple of questions we have are.

What do you like about Draft?

Does Draft help you in your day to day life as a developer?

What would you like to see be added to Draft?

Thanks! The Draft Team

verdverm commented 1 year ago

Where's the documentation? There are no links on project page or readme

qpetraroia commented 1 year ago

Hi @verdverm,

Thanks for this, we will clean up the readme to make it a bit clearer on how to run Draft. To currently run Draft, you can install it through building the binary or brew. Once installed, you can run the commands that we show on the readme to start the process.

For example, in your directory, running draft create will give you a series of prompts that would finalize in you creating a dockerfile as well as the proper Kubernetes manifest files for your application.

ramirezalfredo commented 1 year ago

Hi @qpetraroia, Ia draft's repo this one?

qpetraroia commented 1 year ago

@verdverm, check out the homepage now, we added some extra docs to make it easier to get started

@ramirezalfredo, yes it is!

ccyflai commented 1 year ago

Will AGIC be supported?

qpetraroia commented 1 year ago

Hi @ccyflai,

We are looking into supporting ingresses. Would you like Draft to support creating ingresses?

chenditc commented 1 year ago

I got a lot of trouble when I tried to move my bare metal application on to k8s. Containerize the app is not a big issue, Dockerfile is straightforward and easy to test.

k8s yaml is a big pain for me. For example, should I use ingress or node port? How to draft a deployment? Should I use HPA? Which storage class should I pick? How should a Deployment yaml looks like?

Can draft help with these work?

qpetraroia commented 1 year ago

Hi @chenditc.

Feel free to reach out to me on teams :)