Azure / durabletask

Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
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Fix Test Execution for Azurite #1004

Closed wsugarman closed 7 months ago

wsugarman commented 8 months ago

The PR includes a couple of quality-of-life improvements as well as fixes for running the current suite of tests with Azurite.

Below is the sample of YAML I used to run Azurite for the tests:

  - bash: |
     azurite --silent --location $(Agent.TempDirectory)/azurite &
     echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=azuritePid]$!"
    displayName: 'Start Azurite'

  - task: VSTest@3
    displayName: 'Run unit and functional tests'
        # Some inputs ...
      DurableTaskTestStorageConnectionString: UseDevelopmentStorage=true

  - bash: kill $(azuritePid)
    displayName: 'Stop Azurite'
    condition: always()
cgillum commented 8 months ago

/azp run

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 8 months ago
Azure Pipelines could not run because the pipeline triggers exclude this branch/path.
nytian commented 7 months ago

Merged the PR into my own branch nytian/pipeline-test and then run in the CI. CI link All the tests are passed with a small change( downgrading to 15.8.*) so I will go ahead merge this PR. Thanks for the help and dedicated work, Will!