Azure / durabletask

Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
Apache License 2.0
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what are the Limitation on number of child workflow can be created via CreateSubOrchestrationInstance in Durable Task Framework? #1042

Open kikeshar opened 4 months ago

kikeshar commented 4 months ago

In My use case if I have to create large number of child workflow (~50k) for given workflow. From the wiki does not mention any limitation on number of child workflow. But I suspect there has to be some limit with respect to memory /CPU uses because all child workflow shares same context. Is there any guidance on max supported child workflow using DTF?

Also wondering if there are any demarcation on using separate workflow vs creating sub orchestration.

P.S - I understands these are more of queries than issues. If there is any other forum where I can get these queries answered. Please do mention it. Thanks.