Azure / durabletask

Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
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Getting DurableTask.Core.Exceptions.TypeMissingException for all the Orchestrator/Activities #1078

Closed Man2MSFT closed 2 months ago

Man2MSFT commented 2 months ago

Usage flow: Service -> Our common package -> DTF

Scenario: We have created a Wrapper on top of DTF library and added a common functionality which can be use by our different partners, and on our side of package we are initializing orchestrators/activities as shown below (we follow the approach mentioned here Link):

ServiceCollection collection = new ServiceCollection;

var serviceProvider = collection.BuildServiceProvider();
taskHubWorker.AddTaskOrchestrations(new ServiceProviderObjectCreator<TaskOrchestration>(typeof(**ControlFlowOrchestrator**), serviceProvider));

we are facing an issue where we are getting the error while executing the callback, DTF is not able to find the orchestrator.

\<Task ID>: Executing 'PackageName.DurableTask.Orchestrators.ControlFlowOrchestrator' orchestration logic TaskOrchestrationDispatcher-8b76bd8f033b4b289a839c667fb7c8a3-0: Unhandled exception with work item '\<Task ID>': DurableTask.Core.Exceptions.TypeMissingException: Orchestration not found: (PackageName.DurableTask.Orchestrators.ControlFlowOrchestrator, ) at DurableTask.Core.TaskOrchestrationDispatcher.d__22.MoveNext() in C:\source\durabletask\src\DurableTask.Core\TaskOrchestrationDispatcher.cs:line 478

note: When we are trying to register the Orchestrator with default constructors without ServiceCollection, it is working fine and able to resolve the Type.


While using dependency injection with ServiceProviderObjectCreator we are not able resolve registered Types. Please help us to resolve this issue.

Man2MSFT commented 2 months ago

@cgillum can you please help us here?

cgillum commented 2 months ago

This sounds like an issue with the ServiceProviderObjectCreator you are using. I suggest following up with the owner of that as I'm not aware of how it works.

Man2MSFT commented 2 months ago

@cgillum Okay, thank you.

We have tried few things and it's working now. Closing this ticket.