Azure / elastic-db-tools

Elastic database tools client library allows ADO.NET developers to create applications that implement and use the pattern known as database sharding in Azure SQL Database.
MIT License
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Samples for EF Core #180

Open OmnipotentOwl opened 5 years ago

OmnipotentOwl commented 5 years ago

I was wondering if there are any plans or timeline to release updated samples for EF Core now that the 2.0 release of the elastic db tools includes support for .net core?

ericbeaudry commented 5 years ago

Anyone cares about answering or is this a dying project? In which case, pointing us in the right direction would be appreciated.

natelaff commented 5 years ago

It doesn't seem like it's dying as commits are still happening, but this guidance would be very nice to have and know it's a supported scenario.

jaredmoo commented 5 years ago

The project is alive, the problem is that I have no particular expertise in EF Core so I hope that this is an area where a community member can step up and help out. The central question is how to feed the SqlConnection from shard management into the EF Core DbContext, everything else is built around that.

Erchamion commented 4 years ago

Is this still a living breathing project? Any plans on moving to / supporting .net core?

superman-lopez commented 4 years ago

In another thread I found a sample for ef core 2.1.

I also found an answer on stackoverflow that hints on the approach.
All in all, it's not obvious to me what the intended approach is.